Principais previsões para 2022 da Eagle Eye Networks na vigilância por vídeo

As empresas estão se voltando para a vigilância por vídeo para ajudá-las a se adaptar e prosperar em meio a interrupções e mudanças constantes no ambiente de negócios

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Eagle Eye Networks, líder mundial em vigilância por vídeo em nuvem, lançou hoje a edição de 2022 de seu livro eletrônico Tendências na Vigilância por Vídeo, uma previsão para líderes empresariais e proprietários que querem entender o cenário da segurança física e o plano para o sucesso em 2022.

“Quase dois anos após o começo da pandemia global, as empresas sofreram perturbações continuadas na cadeia de abastecimento, desafios de escassez de mão de obra e mudanças brutais nas rotinas dos locais de trabalho”, disse Dean Drako, CEO da Eagle Eye Networks. “A confiança dos empresários na vigilância por vídeo vem aumentando, pois os conhecimentos acionáveis gerados pela vigilância por vídeo, tanto operacionais como de segurança, estão os ajudando a se adaptar ao novo ambiente de negócios. Ao mesmo tempo, o aparecimento da inteligência artificial (IA) combinada com a vigilância por vídeo na nuvem promete uma análise melhor, mais rápida e mais precisa para a segurança e otimização dos negócios. Esperamos que as empresas confiem ainda mais que a análise de IA baseada na nuvem irá ajudá-las a prosperar em 2022”.

Para saber o que as cinco tendências a seguir significam para os seus negócios e obter mais informações, faça o download gratuito do livro eletrônico Tendências para 2022 na Vigilância por Vídeo aqui.

Tendências para 2022 na Vigilância por Vídeo:

  1. Os negócios querem ter a flexibilidade de incorporar análises personalizadas aos seus sistemas de vigilância por vídeo.
  2. A vigilância por vídeo ajudará as empresas que foram impactadas pela escassez de mão de obra a fazer mais com menos.
  3. Mais clientes estão entendendo o valor da inteligência de negócios proporcionada pela vigilância por vídeo.
  4. As tendências da pandemia em relação ao trabalho remoto e da entrega em casa ou nas portas dos estabelecimentos vieram pra ficar.
  5. A interoperabilidade é crucial para o gerenciamento e a segurança dos dados.

A Eagle Eye Networks é a líder global em vigilância por vídeo na nuvem, oferecendo vídeo com inteligência artificial (IA) e análises baseados na nuvem e ciberseguros, com o intuito de tornar os negócios mais eficientes e o mundo um lugar mais seguro. O Eagle Eye Cloud VMS (sistema de gerenciamento de vídeo) é a única plataforma robusta e flexível o suficiente para alimentar o futuro da vigilância e inteligência em vídeo. A Eagle Eye fica sediada em Austin, Texas, e tem escritórios em Amsterdã, Bangalore e Tóquio. Saiba mais acessando

Martha Entwistle

Eagle Eye Networks Forecasts Key Video Surveillance Trends for 2022

Businesses are turning to video surveillance to help them adapt and thrive amidst sustained disruptions and changes in the business environment

2022 Trends in Video Surveillance Report Released Today

The 2022 Trends in Video Surveillance report released today is a forecast for business leaders and owners who want to understand the physical security landscape and plan for success in 2022. The report is produced annually by Eagle Eye Networks.

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eagle Eye Networks, the global leader in cloud video surveillance, today released the 2022 edition of its annual Trends in Video Surveillance ebook, a forecast for business leaders and owners who want to understand the physical security landscape and plan for success in 2022.

“Almost two years into the global pandemic, businesses have experienced sustained disruptions in the supply chain, labor shortage challenges, and vast changes in workplace routines,” said Dean Drako, Eagle Eye Networks CEO. “Business owners’ reliance on video surveillance is increasing because the security and operational insights provided by video surveillance are helping them adapt to the new business environment. Concurrently, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) combined with cloud video surveillance promises better, faster, and more accurate analytics for security and business optimization. We expect businesses to rely even more on cloud-based AI analytics to help them thrive in 2022.”

To learn what the following five trends mean for your business, and more insights, download the free 2022 Trends in Video Surveillance ebook here.

Video Surveillance Trends for 2022:

  1. Businesses want the flexibility to add customized analytics to their video surveillance systems.
  2. Video surveillance will help businesses impacted by the labor shortage do more with less.
  3. More customers are understanding the business intelligence value of video surveillance.
  4. Pandemic trends around remote work and home and curbside delivery are here to stay.
  5. Interoperability is key to data management and security.

Eagle Eye Networks is the global leader in cloud video surveillance, delivering cyber-secure cloud-based video with artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to make businesses more efficient and the world a safer place. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS (video management system) is the only platform robust and flexible enough to power the future of video surveillance and intelligence. Eagle Eye is based in Austin, Texas with offices in Amsterdam, Bangalore, and Tokyo. Learn more at

Martha Entwistle

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Eagle Eye Networks analyse les principales tendances en matière de vidéosurveillance pour 2022

Les entreprises se tournent vers la vidéosurveillance pour les aider à s’adapter et à prospérer malgré les perturbations et les changements constants dans le monde des affaires

AUSTIN, Texas, 30 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eagle Eye Networks, leader mondial de la vidéosurveillance basée dans le cloud, a publié aujourd’hui l’édition 2022 de son ebook sur les Tendances en matière de vidéosurveillance. Cette publication est destinée aux dirigeants d’entreprise et aux entrepreneurs qui souhaitent comprendre le paysage de la sécurité physique et planifier leur réussite en 2022.

« Près de deux ans après le début de la pandémie mondiale, les entreprises ont connu des perturbations durables dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement, des problèmes de pénurie de main-d’œuvre et de vastes changements dans les habitudes de travail », a déclaré Dean Drako, PDG d’Eagle Eye Networks. « La dépendance des propriétaires d’entreprises à l’égard de la vidéosurveillance s’accentue car la sécurité et les informations opérationnelles fournies par la vidéosurveillance les aident à s’adapter au nouvel environnement des affaires. Parallèlement, l’émergence de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) combinée à la vidéosurveillance dans le cloud promet des analyses plus efficaces, plus rapides et plus précises pour la sécurité et l’optimisation des activités. Nous nous attendons à ce que les entreprises s’appuient encore plus sur les analyses d’IA basées dans le cloud pour les aider à prospérer en 2022. »

Pour savoir ce que les cinq tendances suivantes signifient pour votre entreprise, et pour en savoir plus, téléchargez gratuitement l’ebook Tendances 2022 en matière de vidéosurveillance ici.

Tendances 2022 en matière de vidéosurveillance :

  1. Les entreprises veulent avoir la possibilité d’ajouter des analyses personnalisées à leurs systèmes de vidéosurveillance.
  2. La vidéosurveillance aidera les entreprises touchées par la pénurie de main-d’œuvre à en faire plus avec moins.
  3. De plus en plus souvent, les clients comprennent la valeur de la vidéosurveillance en termes d’intelligence économique.
  4. La pandémie a apporté son lot de nouvelles tendances, comme le travail à distance, la livraison porte-à-porte et à domicile, qui vont perdurer.
  5. L’interopérabilité est la clé de la gestion et de la sécurité des données.

Eagle Eye Networks est le leader mondial de la vidéosurveillance dans le cloud grâce à son offre de vidéo cyber sécurisée avec intelligence artificielle (IA) et analyses pour rendre les entreprises plus efficaces et le monde plus sûr. Le système de gestion vidéo (VMS) Eagle Eye Cloud est la seule plateforme suffisamment robuste et flexible pour alimenter l’avenir de la vidéosurveillance et de l’intelligence. Eagle Eye est basée à Austin, au Texas, et possède des bureaux à Amsterdam, Bangalore et Tokyo. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

Martha Entwistle

Seegene’s High Multiplex PCR Assay Capable of Detecting New Omicron Variant

The Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can simultaneously detect the wild-type coronavirus and the Omicron variant in a single test tube

Seegene will support countries in need of diagnostics to help slow Omicron’s spread

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, today confirmed that its Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay is capable of detecting the Omicron’s unique pattern of mutations. The well-established PCR-based test recognizes four SARS-CoV-2 genes and five notable mutations on the spike protein, all in a single test tube. This provides accurate results on whether a person is positive for COVID-19 and if they have the Omicron variant within 4 hours. To maximize its use, Seegene will support countries in need of tests, so they can rapidly detect cases of Omicron without the labor and equipment required for full genomic sequencing.

The Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay simultaneously detects four wild-type SARS-CoV-2 genes (E gene, RdRP gene, N gene, and S gene) and five notable S-gene mutations: HV69/70 deletion, Y144 deletion, E484K, N501Y, and P681H. Since the latest variant Omicron contains HV69/70 deletion, N501Y, and P681H mutations, this CE-IVD marked test can detect Omicron.

The first Omicron (B.1.1.529) case was reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on November 24. Just two days later, the WHO designated the variant a Variant of Concern (VOC), based on its unusually large number of mutations and early evidence of its spread. Despite a series of rapidly implemented travel bans, it has now been reported in Africa, many European countries, and a few in Asian countries.

The process for identifying novel variants typically involves next-generation sequencing of the isolated virus, which would take a few days to get the complete result. For more rapid detection, Seegene’s Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can detect the variant in the very first stage of screening. Public health officials can then rapidly isolate and contact trace people who are infected with this variant of concern.

“In order to contain the further spread of Omicron, it is extremely important to preemptively detect the Omicron variant at the primary screening stage. To that end, we will fully support countries in need of our tests to enable more rapid detection of the latest variant,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder and CEO. Along with strengthening surveillance testing, the implementation of relevant quarantine measures will give more time for countries around the world to contain the rising Omicron infections and protect their citizens.

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UnionPay International s’associe à M2M pour promouvoir la transition numérique en Afrique

CASABLANCA, Maroc, le 30 novembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ – UnionPay International (UPI) et M2M ont annoncé un partenariat visant à accélérer la transition financière numérique en Afrique. Ce projet a pour objectif de créer de nouvelles frontières en tirant parti des capacités et implantations majeures des deux entités.

Ce partenariat établit un projet ambitieux qui permet à M2M de fournir des solutions de paiement innovantes et centrées sur le client afin d’accompagner les émetteurs, les acquéreurs, les technologies financières, les processeurs et les agrégateurs dans plus de 40 pays.

« Devenir le fournisseur de services tiers certifié d’UPI est une étape importante qui souligne notre volonté d’être un guichet unique et une plateforme de paiement de services qui offre aux clients de vraies solutions couvrant l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des paiements, y compris l’émission, l’acquisition et le traitement des transactions croissantes d’UPI à travers le monde », a déclaré M. Rachid SAIHI, PDG de M2M Group. « Grâce à ce partenariat, M2M Group sera l’un des premiers acteurs des paiements en Afrique à proposer des solutions de traitement final pour les transactions UPI ».

« Nous sommes ravis de collaborer avec M2M pour faciliter la transition financière numérique en Afrique », a déclaré M. Luping Zhang, directeur général de la branche africaine d’UnionPay International. « UnionPay International continue d’offrir des services de paiement innovants, rentables et de haute qualité grâce à une croissance partagée dans la région et contribue à la valeur de l’écosystème mondial des paiements ».

Présent au premier rang de l’ère numérique, M2M Group met à profit plus de 30 ans d’innovation et d’expertise à l’échelle mondiale. M2M Group est une entreprise leader dans le domaine des logiciels qui fournit des solutions et des services de paiements électroniques multicanaux et de gouvernement électronique. Ces derniers offrent commodité et confiance à tout le monde, partout, à tout moment et sur n’importe quel appareil. Les solutions de M2M Group répondent à un large éventail d’applications accélérant la convergence numérique, améliorant l’expérience utilisateur et augmentant l’agilité et la rentabilité de l’entreprise. M2M Group est coté à la Bourse de Casablanca.

Avec plus de 160 millions de cartes UnionPay émises en dehors de la Chine continentale, UnionPay a étendu son réseau d’acceptation à 180 pays et régions ces dernières années. À l’heure actuelle, les cartes UnionPay sont largement acceptées en Afrique dans tous les secteurs, ce qui répond efficacement aux divers besoins d’achat des détenteurs de ces cartes visitant ou vivant sur le continent. Plus de 10 pays africains ont émis des cartes UnionPay, dont le Kenya, la Tanzanie, l’Ouganda, le Ghana, l’Afrique du Sud, Eswatini, Madagascar et Maurice. Le rapport Nilson (numéro 1154) montre que UnionPay occupe la première place parmi les systèmes de cartes en termes d’émission de cartes et de volume de transactions. UnionPay a lancé divers produits de paiement innovants en Afrique en réponse à la transition numérique mondiale et à l’inclusion financière.

South Africa Teenage Pregnancy Spikes During Pandemic

South Africa’s teenage pregnancy rate has jumped 60% amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase affecting the education of many young women and their hopes to escape the cycle of poverty.

When schoolgirls in South Africa become pregnant, only one-third return to class — a major factor contributing to socioeconomic disadvantage among youth.

Serena, who does not want her real name to be used, was 15 years old when she gave birth to a daughter.

“I didn’t know what to do. I was confused. I was scared. I was devastated,” she said. “Sometimes I can’t balance my life, my education, and the baby, but due to the support of my parents, I can do that.”

Serena’s experience as a teen mother was made more difficult by her parents’ initial rejection and being ostracized by the local community.

Her mother, Rebecca, said, “I was very upset, very upset and too emotional, but all in all, ‘Serena, this is not the end of the world, the main purpose is that you must … go to school, attend school regularly, respect your teachers as you respect your parents at home.'”

Eddie Kekana, a primary school principal in Johannesburg, says the education system should put a priority on sex education.

“My school is situated in an informal settlement, where there are serious social-economic factors leading to the high rate of teenage pregnancy,” he said. “COVID-19 also exacerbated the situation. We should actually start collaborating, and then take responsibility educating our young people about this particular kind of a problem.”

Implementation of sex education programs was abandoned in the face of resistance by many parents, says Mugwena Maluleke, the head of a South African teachers’ union.

“When it was supposed to be introduced, the sexuality education, the communities started to make a lot of arguments, so it had to be stopped and, therefore, the training didn’t take place,” Maluleke said. “The communities were not happy with that, and we are seeing the consequences of not having sexuality education; is the highest rate of teenage pregnancy.”

While many communities and parents opposed sex education in schools, some parents like Serena’s mother supported the programs.

“It depends what kind of parents we are, but naturally I must be free with my daughters to speak about sex because it is very much important,” Rebecca said. “They must know everything about sex, even at school, no problem, we don’t have any problem about that.”

The controversy continues, but has gained new urgency with the latest increase in teen pregnancy.

Source: Voice of America

Fauci: Existing Coronavirus Vaccines Provide ‘Some’ Protection Against Omicron Variant

The top U.S. infectious disease expert said Tuesday that vaccinated Americans have “some degree of protection” against the new omicron variant of the coronavirus, but that scientists will not know for a few weeks how vaccines may need to be altered to best fight it.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s top medical adviser, said at a White House coronavirus news briefing that the omicron “mutation profile is very different from other variants” of the coronavirus.

While he said the three existing vaccines used in the U.S. could prevent people who have been inoculated from getting seriously ill from the omicron variant, it “remains uncertain … speculative” whether they will fully work against people getting sick.

“We believe it is too soon to tell about the severity” of the omicron variant, he said. “We should have a much better idea in the next few weeks.”

To date, he said, 226 cases of the omicron variant have been identified in 20 countries across the globe, but none so far in the United States. Health officials, however, say they assume the variant eventually will spread to the United States.

“We are actively looking for the omicron variant in the U.S.,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Stephane Bancel, chief executive of Moderna, which produces one of the vaccines used in the U.S., predicted in an interview with the Financial Times that existing vaccines would be much less effective in combating the omicron variant than the previous four variants of the coronavirus.

“There is no world, I think, where (the effectiveness) is the same level … we had with delta,” Bancel said, referring to the highly contagious variant that is the predominant strain throughout the U.S. and was first detected in India in late 2020.

His comments sent U.S. stock indexes tumbling, as investors feared the effect of the omicron variant on the world economy, in which many countries are still struggling from the coronavirus onslaught that started in early 2020.

Bancel said it could take months for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture effective new vaccines to deal with the specific molecular makeup of the omicron variant.

Dutch officials said Tuesday that they detected the omicron variant in tests almost two weeks ago, days earlier than when two flights from South Africa transported infected passengers to the Netherlands.

Walensky said 45 million adults are unvaccinated in the U.S., and millions more children, ages 5 to 18, are eligible to get shots, but their parents have yet to get them inoculated.

In addition, Jeffrey Zients, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator, said that 100 million vaccinated people in the U.S. are eligible for booster shots but have yet to get them.

He, too, said that vaccinations provide “some protection” against the omicron variant and that “boosters help that.”

“We want to make sure Americans are doing all they can to protect themselves,” he said.

Source: Voice of America