VoltDB dévoile des fonctionnalités clés pour optimiser la 5G, le cloud et l’edge

La principale plateforme de données d’entreprise annonce de nouvelles capacités pour les entreprises

BARCELONE, Espagne, 28 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, la principale plateforme de données de niveau entreprise conçue pour permettre une prise de décision rapide, a annoncé aujourd’hui la sortie de la version V10.2 de sa plateforme de données lors du Mobile World Congress. La dernière version de la plateforme de données VoltDB ajoute des améliorations importantes qui permettent aux entreprises de tirer pleinement parti des technologies 5G, cloud et edge, notamment des intégrations améliorées pour Kafka et Kubernetes, une meilleure réplication entre centres de données et une possibilité de contourner complètement Kafka.

« Désormais, avec nos fonctionnalités complètes de cloud-native, une entreprise ou un opérateur peut profiter de VoltDB dans des environnements tels que AWS Outposts, Wavelength, et bien sûr, le cloud », a déclaré le PDG et président de VoltDB, David Flower. « Cela leur donne un avantage considérable lorsqu’il s’agit de déployer des applications dépendantes de la latence qui ont besoin à la fois de vitesse et de précision des données. »

La plateforme de données VoltDB permet aux entreprises d’exploiter pleinement les nouvelles technologies et les nouveaux paradigmes tels que la 5G et l’edge computing pour tirer le meilleur parti de leurs applications dépendantes de la latence. La capacité principale de VoltDB est une prise de décision contextuelle performante et en temps réel, via une couche simplifiée qui gère l’ingestion des données jusqu’à l’opération en moins de 10 millisecondes.

La dernière version de la plate-forme de données VoltDB offre un certain nombre d’améliorations, notamment :

  • Topics, qui permet de publier des données d’événements directement dans VoltDB sans passer par une couche de messagerie intermédiaire comme Kafka.
  • La compatibilité avec l’API Kafka, qui permet aux développeurs d’utiliser soit les API natives VoltDB, soit les API Kafka pour traiter les événements en temps réel.
  • Un opérateur Kubernetes amélioré, qui comprend de nombreuses améliorations et perfectionnements basés sur divers déploiements stratégiques chez des fournisseurs de services de communication (FSC) de niveau 1.
  • De multiples améliorations des performances de la réplication active-active-active entre centres de données de la plateforme, basées sur le retour d’information de la première génération de déploiements.

Ces nouvelles capacités permettent aux clients actuels et futurs de tirer pleinement parti de leurs investissements dans l’edge, le cloud et la 5G, aujourd’hui et à l’avenir. Les visiteurs du MWC21, qu’ils soient physiques ou virtuels, peuvent en apprendre davantage en visitant VoltDB au stand #2060 dans Cloud City (Hall 2) et en interagissant avec nos robots sur place.

Pour obtenir davantage d’informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises de tous les secteurs choisissent VoltDB pour alimenter leur activité, visitez le site à l’adresse suivante https://www.voltdb.com/.

À propos de VoltDB

VoltDB permet aux applications d’entreprise d’ingérer, de traiter et d’agir sur les données en quelques millisecondes pour exploiter de nouvelles sources de revenus et prévenir les pertes de revenus. Possédant d’importants clients dans les télécommunications, la finance, les jeux et bien d’autres secteurs verticaux, la plateforme de données VoltDB est idéalement positionnée pour être la technologie de référence de toute entreprise cherchant à tirer pleinement parti de la 5G, de l’IoT et de tout ce qui suivra.

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VoltDB Reveals Key Features to Optimize 5G, Cloud, and Edge

Leading Enterprise-Grade Data Platform Announces New Enterprise Capabilities

BARCELONA, Spain, June 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, the leading enterprise-grade data platform built to enable fast-data decisioning, today announced the release of V10.2 of its data platform at Mobile World Congress. The latest version of the VoltDB Data Platform adds important improvements that allow enterprises to take full advantage of 5G, cloud, and edge technologies, including enhanced integrations for Kafka and Kubernetes, improved cross datacenter replication, and an opportunity to bypass Kafka completely.

“Now with our complete cloud-native features, an enterprise or an operator can take advantage of VoltDB in environments such as AWS Outposts, Wavelength, and of course, the cloud,” said VoltDB CEO & President, David Flower. “This gives them a huge advantage when it comes to deploying latency-dependent applications that need both speed and data accuracy.”

The VoltDB Data Platform empowers companies to fully leverage new technologies and paradigms such as 5G and edge computing to get the most out of their latency-dependent applications. VoltDB’s core capability is powerful, real-time contextual decisioning via a simplified stack layer that manages data ingestion to action in under 10 milliseconds.

The latest version of the VoltDB Data Platform offers a number of improvements, including:

  • Topics, which provides the ability to publish event data directly to VoltDB without an intermediate messaging layer like Kafka.
  • Kafka API compatibility, which allows developers to use either VoltDB native APIs or Kafka APIs to process real-time events.
  • An improved Kubernetes Operator, which includes multiple enhancements and improvements based on various mission-critical deployments at tier 1 communication service providers (CSPs).
  • Multiple performance enhancements to the platform’s active-active-active cross datacenter replication based on feedback on the first generation of deployments.

These new capabilities enable current and future customers to take full advantage of their edge, cloud, and 5G investments today and in the future. MWC21 visitors, whether physical or virtual, can learn more by visiting VoltDB at stand #2060 in Cloud City (Hall 2) and by interacting with our onsite robots.

For more information on why organizations across all industries are choosing VoltDB to power their operations, visit https://www.voltdb.com/.

About VoltDB

VoltDB empowers enterprise-grade applications to ingest, process, and act on data in single-digit milliseconds to tap into new revenue streams and prevent revenue loss. With industry-leading customers in telecommunications, finance, gaming, and many other verticals, The VoltDB Data Platform is uniquely positioned to be the go-to technology for any company seeking to take full advantage of 5G, IoT, and whatever comes next.

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Un expert optimiste quant à l’industrie de fabrication de puces en Chine

BEIJING, 28 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China.org.cn a publié un article intitulé « Un expert optimiste quant à l’industrie de fabrication de puces en Chine ».

Le développement de l’industrie chinoise de fabrication de puces semble prometteur, alors que les processeurs avancés de 28 et 14 nanomètres (nm) devraient respectivement entrer dans la phase de production en série d’ici la fin de l’année et l’année prochaine, selon un expert.

Wen Xiaojun, directeur de l’Institut de l’information électronique au Centre chinois pour le développement de l’industrie de l’information (CCID), a déclaré au portail d’information chinois huanqiu.com qu’il voyait des signes plus encourageants dans l’industrie chinoise de fabrication de puces, malgré les défis technologiques.

The World Semiconductor Conference & Nanjing International Semiconductor Expo, opens in Nanjing, capital city of east China's Jiangsu province, on June 9. [Photo/VCG]

Le processeur 14 nm du pays a surmonté de nombreuses difficultés technologiques grâce à des améliorations significatives des techniques de fabrication, des technologies de conditionnement et des matériaux d’équipement clés, ce qui indique que la technologie de ce nœud spécifique va arriver à maturité et entrer dans la production de masse d’ici l’année prochaine, a expliqué M. Wen.

« Cela veut dire que la dépendance totale de la Chine à l’égard des chaînes d’approvisionnement étrangères touche à sa fin », a-t-il avancé.

Selon les statistiques, le marché mondial des semi-conducteurs a réalisé environ 200 milliards de dollars de ventes au premier semestre 2019. Le procédé de fabrication de puces 14 nm a représenté 65 % de ces ventes, car il est très utilisé dans des domaines tels que l’électronique grand public haut de gamme, l’informatique à haut débit, l’intelligence artificielle et l’automobile.

Les lignes de production pour la fabrication de puces 14 nm et 12 nm sont considérées comme essentielles dans le secteur des semi-conducteurs, car les processeurs de 14 nm et plus peuvent répondre à près de 70 % de la demande de puces du secteur, et le nœud 12 nm peut répondre aux exigences de la plupart des puces 5G de milieu de gamme.

Avec un optimisme prudent, M. Wen a fait remarquer que, bien que l’industrie chinoise de la fabrication de puces obtienne des résultats impressionnants en ce qui concerne le nœud 14 nm, les acteurs de l’industrie nationale doivent encore rattraper les autres géants mondiaux afin de combler le fossé technologique, ce qui, selon lui, « exige de consacrer davantage de temps, d’investissements et de ressources humaines. »

Dans une interview accordée au début du mois de mai à weiot.net, un média spécialisé dans l’industrie de l’Internet des objets (IoT), Ni Guangnan, académicien de l’Académie chinoise d’ingénierie, a également souligné l’importance de rester à la pointe de l’industrie de fabrication de puces avancée pour rattraper les autres pays leaders.

M. Ni a déclaré que les nouvelles percées technologiques réalisées dans les nœuds 28 nm et 14 nm, plus avancés, remonteront le moral de l’industrie chinoise des semi-conducteurs et faciliteront la croissance dans des secteurs de pointe comme les véhicules à énergie nouvelle et l’intelligence artificielle.

La Conférence mondiale sur les semi-conducteurs a débuté le 9 juin dernier à Nanjing, chef-lieu de la province chinoise du Jiangsu (est), et a permis de présenter les technologies et les applications novatrices de l’industrie des semi-conducteurs en Chine et à l’étranger.

Des leaders de l’industrie tels que Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), Synopsys Inc et Montage Technology ont participé à la conférence aux côtés de plus de 300 exposants.

Selon un article du quotidien China Daily, les statistiques montrent que le volume des ventes mondiales de produits de semi-conducteurs a atteint 123,1 milliards de dollars au premier trimestre de 2021, soit une hausse de 17,8 % en glissement annuel.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1551475/20210625.jpg

TRACE Foundation annonce les lauréats du TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, le 28 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — TRACE Foundation, une organisation à but non lucratif créée pour soutenir les projets qui encouragent une plus grande transparence commerciale, a annoncé aujourd’hui les lauréats du TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting 2021. Ce prix annuel récompense le journalisme qui met en lumière la corruption dans les affaires ou les crimes financiers connexes.

Zorayda Gallegos Valle, journaliste indépendante travaillant pour El País au Mexique, a remporté le TRACE Prize pour son enquête qui a mis au jour le stratagème de l’armée mexicaine visant à détourner au moins 156 millions de dollars de ressources publiques par le biais de centaines de sociétés fictives chargées de mener à bien des projets d’infrastructure.

« Je suis reconnaissante à la TRACE Foundation de soutenir le journalisme d’investigation car elle joue un rôle important dans la transparence et la responsabilité des gouvernements du monde entier », a déclaré Mme Valle. « Le journalisme d’investigation est devenu plus pertinent au Mexique et dans le monde entier. Il permet de révéler les activités illégales que les autorités veulent garder secrètes, et de surveiller leurs actions. »

Le deuxième lauréat du TRACE Prize de cette année est l’équipe de reportage FinCEN Files, qui comprenait BuzzFeed News, l’International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) et plus de 100 partenaires médiatiques. L’équipe a mené une enquête de 16 mois, examinant des milliers de documents des renseignements financiers. Ils ont mis au jour un processus de surveillance défectueux qui permettait aux banques mondiales de tirer profit de transactions suspectes. Leurs rapports ont donné lieu à de nouvelles réformes et enquêtes dans de nombreux pays.

« L’enquête sur les FinCEN Files a révélé comment certaines des plus grandes banques du monde jouent un rôle essentiel dans le flux mondial d’argent sale », a déclaré Gerard Ryle, directeur de l’ICIJ. « Nos résultats ont contribué à faire avancer d’importantes réformes en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent dans certains des principaux centres financiers du monde, et cette reconnaissance de TRACE contribuera à maintenir cette question sous les projecteurs. »

L’ICIJ a également obtenu une mention honorable, avec le reste de l’équipe Luanda Leaks, qui comprend FRONTLINE, le New York Times et 34 autres médias partenaires, pour leur travail de dénonciation de la kleptocratie d’Isabel dos Santos, fille de l’ancien président Angolais. Ils ont révélé comment les professionnels occidentaux jouent un rôle vital, peu examiné, dans le pourrissement de la vie d’innombrables Angolais.

Ferdinand Ayite du magazine L’Alternative au Togo, a obtenu une mention honorable pour son Pétrolegate enquête, qui a révélé de graves malversations financières parmi les fonctionnaires du gouvernement togolais chargés de l’importation et de la tarification des produits pétroliers.

« Même face aux circonstances chaotiques de 2020, les journalistes d’investigation ont persisté », a déclaré Alexandra Wrage, présidente de TRACE. « Nous saluons le travail important qu’ils accomplissent : leur bravoure, leur détermination et leur ingéniosité. TRACE Foundation exprime sa gratitude à nos juges et son admiration pour les lauréats du Prize for Investigative Reporting 2021 et leur important travail. »

Le jury du TRACE Prize 2021 pour le journalisme d’investigation était composé de William Gumede, Diana B. Henriques, Rosebell Kagumire, Peter Klein, Donatella Lorch et Jorge Luis Sierra.

TRACE Foundation ouvrira les candidatures pour le TRACE Prize 2022 du journalisme d’investigation à l’automne 2021. Pour plus de détails, visitez le site traceinternational.org/investigative-reporting.

À propos de TRACE Foundation

TRACE Foundation a été créée pour promouvoir, soutenir et financer la recherche, le journalisme d’investigation, les publications, les vidéos et les projets connexes qui encouragent une plus grande transparence commerciale et font progresser l’éducation anti-corruption. Pour plus d’informations, visitez traceinternational.org/tracefoundation.

With Hong Kong’s Apple Daily Closed, Media Question Security Law’s Reach

BANGKOK – With Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper gone, questions remain about the future of press freedom in the city.

Apple Daily’s publisher said that with founder Jimmy Lai in prison, five executives arrested under the national security law and its financial assets frozen, it was impossible to continue.

The closure was met with international condemnation, including from U.S. President Joe Biden, who said Thursday, “Beijing must stop targeting the independent press.”

But as the million-copy final edition sold out, media analysts said the loss of Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper could impact the press scene and how journalists approach reporting on some issues.

By Sunday, the impact appeared to be spreading, with the news website Stand News announcing it would temporarily remove some commentary and opinion articles from its website.

Meanwhile, the South China Morning Post and online news outlet Citizen News reported that Apple Daily editorial writer Fung Wai-kong, 57, was arrested Sunday night at the airport on suspicion of foreign collusion to endanger national security.

Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, has said it is a journalist’s responsibility not to break the national security law and denied the Apple Daily case is an attack on media.

“What we are dealing with is neither a news outlet problem nor a news reporting problem. It’s a suspicious act of endangering national security,” Lam said at a briefing this past week.

Eric Wishart, the press freedom committee co-convener at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Hong Kong and a journalism lecturer at Hong Kong University, said, “The big question is, when do you cross that line?”

“Can an opinion piece breach the law? [Can] quoting somebody outside of Hong Kong breach the law? This is a big ask for journalists,” he told VOA.

Andrew Powner, managing partner at Haldanes, a Hong Kong law firm that represents international media, said the foreign press has continued to report freely, including criticism of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments.

“It would appear that international media who are merely quoting Western critics or quoting advocates who are calling for sanctions should?not?fall foul of the (national security law); providing that the content of the article does not attempt to incite others to commit offences under the (law), but falls within the internationally accepted norms of balanced reporting,” Powner said via email.

Until the first judicial interpretation of the security law is reached, “red lines” will not be known in detail, Powner said. He added that allegations and evidence that led to the Apple Daily executives’ arrests are not yet public.

The lawyer said that press freedom is guaranteed under the law and that authorities have said the arrests are an “exceptional case.”

An adviser to Apple Daily’s founder says that Hong Kong’s security bureau alleged the paper violated the law in 30 articles but has not informed the publishers what those were.

A?spokesperson for Hong Kong’s security bureau told VOA earlier this week that it will not comment on active legal proceedings but that “endangering national security is a very serious crime.”

Two Hong Kong lawmakers told VOA the law is important.?It was passed in July last year in reaction to mass anti-government protests in 2019 that often turned violent.

Eunice Yung said there are no exemptions under the legislation, adding that the executives were rightfully arrested. “They need to bear the legal consequences if they breach the national security law,” she said.

Yung said the Apple Daily case is not about freedom of the press, but acknowledged it was hard to draw the line.

“If you merely criticize the law or comment on how strong it is, or what should the law include, or what should be exempted, I think this is allowed and it is totally reasonable,” she said. But “if you ask a foreign country to sanction Hong Kong officials, this is another story.”

Lawmaker Holden Chow held a similar view, saying Hong Kong would continue to have freedoms “as long as they don’t go beyond the law.”

Keith Richburg, a journalism professor at Hong Kong University, told VOA in May it was “troubling” that media that are critical of the government are being targeted in the city, with “Apple Daily and Stand News probably at the frontlines.”

Stand News was founded in 2014 and describes itself as a pro-democracy news website.

During the protests of 2019, several of its reporters were injured, including journalist-turned-activist Gwyneth Ho. She was one of 47 people accused of subversion under the law in February.

Ronson Chan, the website’s deputy assignment editor, told VOA last week, “After the close of Apple Daily, half of the people in Hong Kong say Stand News will be the next target.”

“I haven’t heard a very clear message we might be searched or our staff will be arrested. From my understanding of the law and the police operation, I don’t think we have a problem with our news reporting,” Chan said. He added that Stand News’ editorial policy is sticking to its “mindset” and “principles.”

The news website made a similar comment Sunday, when it announced via its website the temporary removal of commentary, op-eds, blogs and reader contributions. The website said that news articles and video would not be affected.

Stand News said that six of its board members have resigned and that the website “continues to operate and its policy and editorial work remain unchanged.”

Chan told VOA Sunday the website was not under government pressure, saying, “All the measurements are made by ourselves.”

Hong Kong’s only public broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), has also come under scrutiny in recent months, with its new director of broadcasting axing popular shows for alleged bias. Journalists have been terminated, and Lam was provided her own TV segment, a move criticized as propaganda by critics.

Wider impact

Mark Simon, assistant to Lai at Next Digital — the parent company of Apple Daily — said that clamping down on the media will have a “lasting impact.”

“You cannot have political prisoners, you cannot close down media, you cannot seize private property and be an international finance center; it doesn’t happen,” Simon told VOA last week.

Self-proclaimed as “Asia’s World City,” Hong Kong has had a long-standing reputation as a global financial hub.

But with the scenes of protesters, tear gas and riot police during protests in 2019, that reputation has taken a hit. Add in the national security law last year, and international businesses are considering their options.

Political analyst Joseph Chen, formerly of Hong Kong and now in Australia, cited a recent survey on how changes in the region were affecting the city’s international status.

When the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, a leading business organization, surveyed its members, 42% indicated they were considering leaving. Among the 300 members who responded, the most widely shared concern was with the national security law.

“Apparently many multinational corporations in Hong Kong are considering downsizing their operations and expanding their operations in other cities in Asia, like Singapore and Tokyo,” Chen said. “I think these trends will hurt Hong Kong’s economy in the foreseeable future.”

The security law has certainly affected Apple Daily. The paper is out of print after 26 years, and two of the five executives have been denied bail. A hearing is scheduled for August 13.

Source: Voice of America

Key Republican ‘Trusts’ Biden on Infrastructure Deal

WASHINGTON – A key U.S. Republican lawmaker said Sunday he takes President Joe Biden at his word that he has no intention of vetoing a $1.2 trillion infrastructure measure Biden agreed to last week even though initially the U.S. leader said he would reject it if Congress does not also approve social spending legislation.

Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, one of the five Republican centrists who negotiated the infrastructure package with Biden to repair the country’s deteriorating roads and bridges, told CNN, “I do trust the president” to sign the funding measure if Congress approves it alone in the coming months.

Biden created confusion about his support for the politically bipartisan roads-and-bridges bill by first saying Thursday he had agreed to the deal with the handful of opposition lawmakers. Shortly after, Biden said he would veto it if it was not passed by Congress in tandem with trillions more in spending on expanding the social safety for U.S. families and advancing the use of clean energy.

On Saturday, Biden said that his comments “created the impression that I was issuing a veto threat on the very plan I had just agreed to, which was certainly not my intent.”

Biden said he hopes Congress approves both pieces of legislation, even though he well understands Republicans will oppose the social safety net spending, with that legislation likely only garnering support from Democrats in the politically divided Congress.

“So, to be clear: our bipartisan agreement does not preclude Republicans from attempting to defeat my Families Plan; likewise, they should have no objections to my devoted efforts to pass that Families Plan and other proposals in tandem,” Biden said. “We will let the American people—and the Congress—decide.”

Romney said, “We Republicans are saying, ‘Absolutely, no,’ to what Democrats are calling the “human infrastructure” spending.

“Don’t raise taxes; fix the (roads and bridges) infrastructure,” Romney said. “Get it done.”

But Romney added, “I think [Biden] is making a huge mistake” with the social spending bill. “We’re not going to sign up for a multi-trillion-dollar bill.”

Another of the Republicans who negotiated the infrastructure package with Biden, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” show that the lawmakers who negotiated with Biden had been assured it would not be linked with the Democratic package on spending to benefit families.

“Why is that important?” Cassidy said. “First, there’s bipartisan opposition to the non-hard infrastructure portion of [the Democrats’] bill. Bipartisan in both chambers, that’s Number One. Number Two, Republicans think that portion is bad for our country. We have an inflation rate that is higher than it’s been in quite some time. And that bill would make it higher.”

“This infrastructure bill is good for America, for all Americans,” Cassidy said. “It is going to make us more productive; it’s going to create lots of jobs.”

Many Democrats, especially progressives, argue that aggressively combating climate change and expanding America’s social safety net are just as important as repairing physical infrastructure. Biden proposed raising taxes on some U.S. corporations to pay for an initial infrastructure plan of about $2 trillion.

Source: Voice of America

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. Announces Pricing of $125 Million Public Offering of Senior Notes

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (the “Company” or “Synchronoss”), a global leader and innovator in cloud, messaging and digital products and platforms, today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of $125 million aggregate principal amount of 8.375% senior notes due 2026, including the exercise in full by the underwriters of the underwriters’ option to purchase an additional $5 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes. The offering is expected to close on or about June 30, 2021, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions.

Synchronoss and the senior notes both received a rating of BB- from Egan-Jones Ratings Company, an independent, unaffiliated rating agency. The Company has applied to list the senior notes on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol “SNCRL” and expects the notes to begin trading within 30 business days of the closing date of the offering, if approved.

All of the senior notes in the offering are being sold by Synchronoss. Synchronoss anticipates using the net proceeds from the offering, and from the offering of common stock and sale of Series B Preferred Stock (each as described below), to fully redeem all outstanding shares of Synchronoss’ Series A Convertible Participating Perpetual Preferred Stock and repay amounts outstanding under Synchronoss’ revolving credit facility.

B. Riley Securities, Inc. (“BRS”) is acting as the sole book-running manager for the offering. Northland Capital Markets, Aegis Capital Corp. and EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC are acting as lead managers for the offering.

Concurrently with the offering, the Company is offering, by means of a separate prospectus supplement, $100 million of shares of its common stock. In addition, B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), an affiliate of BRS, has entered into an agreement pursuant to which BRPI has agreed to purchase $75.0 million of the Company’s Series B Preferred Stock in a private transaction to be completed concurrently with the closing of the offering.

The senior notes described above are being offered by Synchronoss pursuant to a shelf registration statement on Form S-3 previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and declared effective by the SEC on August 28, 2020. A preliminary prospectus supplement relating to and describing the terms of the offering is filed with the SEC and is available on the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov. The final terms of the proposed offering will be disclosed in a final prospectus supplement to be filed with the SEC. Copies of the final prospectus supplement (when available) and accompanying prospectus relating to these securities may also be obtained by sending a request to: B. Riley Securities, Inc., at 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209 or by calling (703) 312‐9580 or by emailing prospectuses@brileyfin.com.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities, nor will there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

About Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company’s collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs and increase speed to market.

Safe Harbor Statement

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including but not limited to statements regarding the closing of the public offering and the anticipated use of the proceeds thereof. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, including the satisfaction of customary closing conditions related to the public offering and the risk factors set forth from time to time in Synchronoss’ SEC filings, including but not limited to the risks that are described in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections (as applicable) of Synchronoss’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2021, which are on file with the SEC and available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. In addition to the risks described above and in Synchronoss’ other filings with the SEC, other unknown or unpredictable factors also could affect Synchronoss’ results. No forward-looking statements can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from such statements. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and Synchronoss undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release on account of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.


Diane Rose


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. Anuncia Proposta de Oferta Pública de Notas Seniores no Valor de US$120 milhões

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (a “Empresa” ou “Synchronoss”), líder global e inovadora em nuvem, mensagens e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje que a Empresa pretende oferecer e vender, sujeito a condições de mercado e outras, notas seniores com vencimento em 2026 no valor de US$120 milhões em uma oferta pública subscrita. A Synchronoss também espera conceder aos subscritores uma opção de 30 dias para a compra de notas seniores adicionais de valor principal agregado de US$5 milhões em conexão com a oferta. Não há nenhuma garantia de ou quando a oferta pode ser concluída, ou quanto ao tamanho real ou termos da oferta.

A Synchronoss e as notas seniores receberam uma classificação BB- da Egan-Jones Ratings Company, uma agência de classificação independente e não afiliada.

Todas as notas seniores da oferta devem ser vendidas pela Synchronoss, com o produto líquido da oferta, e da oferta prevista de ações ordinárias e venda de Ações Preferenciais Série B (cada uma conforme descrito abaixo), que devem ser usadas para resgatar totalmente todas as Ações Preferenciais Contínuas Conversíveis Série A em circulação da Synchronoss e para reembolsar os valores em aberto sob a linha de crédito rotativo da Synchronoss.

B. A Riley Securities, Inc. (“BRS”) está atuando como único gerente de contabilidade da oferta. A Northland Capital Markets, a Aegis Capital Corp. e a EF Hutton, divisão da Benchmark Investments, LLC estão atuando como gerentes principais da oferta.

Juntamente com a oferta, a Empresa prevê a oferta de ações ordinárias com o valor de US$100 milhões, por meio de um suplemento de prospecto separado. Além disso, a B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), uma afiliada da BRS, assinou um contrato nos termos do qual a BRPI concorda em comprar Ações Preferenciais Série B da Empresa no valor de US$75,0 milhões em uma transação privada a ser concluída simultaneamente com o fechamento da oferta.

As notas seniores descritas acima estão sendo oferecidas pela Synchronoss de acordo com uma declaração de registro padrão do Formulário S-3 anteriormente arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (SEC) e declarado efetivo pelo SEC em 28 de agosto de 2020. Um suplemento do prospecto preliminar relativo que descreve os termos da oferta será arquivado no SEC e estará disponível no site do SEC em www.sec.gov. Os termos finais da oferta proposta serão divulgados em um suplemento de prospecto final a ser arquivado no SEC. Quando disponíveis, cópias do adendo ao prospeto preliminar relativo a esses valores mobiliários também podem ser obtidas com o envio de um pedido para: B. Riley Securities, Inc., 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209, ligação para (703) 312‐9580 ou envio de e-mail para prospectuses@brileyfin.com.

Este comunicado de imprensa não constitui uma oferta de venda nem uma solicitação de uma oferta para compra de qualquer um desses valores mobiliários, nem haverá qualquer venda desses valores mobiliários em qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição em que tal oferta, solicitação ou venda seja ilegal antes do registro ou qualificação sob as leis de valores mobiliários de qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição.

Sobre a Synchronoss

A Synchronoss Technologies(NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado.

Declaração de Porto Seguro

Este comunicado contém declarações de previsão de acordo com a definição da Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934, e suas emendas, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, declarações sobre a oferta pública e o uso previsto dos seus produtos. Estas declarações de previsão estão sujeitas a uma série de riscos, incluindo a satisfação das condições habituais de fechamento relacionadas à oferta pública proposta e os fatores de risco estabelecidos ocasionalmente nos registros SEC da Synchronoss, incluindo, mas não se limitando aos riscos descritos nas seções “Fatores de Risco” e “Discussão e Análise da Condição Financeira e Resultados de Operações da Administração” (conforme aplicável) do Relatório Anual da Synchronoss no Formulário 10-K do exercício fiscal encerrado em 31 de dezembro de 2020 e Relatório Trimestral no Formulário 10-Q do período encerrado em 31 de março de 2021, que estão arquivados no SEC e disponíveis no site do SEC em www.sec.gov. Além dos riscos descritos acima e nos outros registros da Synchronoss no SEC, outros fatores desconhecidos ou imprevisíveis também podem afetar os resultados da Synchronoss. Nenhuma declaração de previsão pode ser garantida e os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes de tais declarações. As informações contidas nesta versão são fornecidas apenas a partir da data desta versão, e a Synchronoss não se compromete a atualizar nenhuma declaração de previsão contida nesta versão por conta de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma, exceto conforme exigido por lei.


Diane Rose


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.