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2024 Elections: Ghanaians deserve issue-based campaigns- NCCE

Mr Justice Yaw Ennin, the Western Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), says political parties must undertake their campaign activities based on current issues that will offer solutions to the development needs of the ordinary citizen in the run up to the 2024 general elections.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview, in Takoradi, he said politicians owed Ghanaians campaigns that would project national values and tolerance devoid of provoking religious, cultural and ethnic tensions.

‘In this election year, what Ghanaians deserve is issue-based campaigns from our politicians to help us make informed choices on who we think can drive us to meet our development aspirations,’ he said.

Mr Ennin noted that the time had come for the electorate to choose people who they thought could lead the country’s transformative agenda irrespective of their religious, cultural, or tribal affiliations.

He said: ‘If we want to build Ghana, we all want, we must move away from
the practice of voting based on religious, cultural or tribal lines, and elect competent individuals who can lead us to develop our country.’

On the issue of vote buying, he noted that: ‘We must all get involved to do away with the ‘moneycracy’ currently in our political landscape because it is what breeds corruption among our elected leaders the most.’

The Western Regional NCCE Director encouraged the citizenry to continue to remain united and peacefully coexist and chart a common path towards national development.

Mr Ennin also advised the youth not to allow themselves to be used by people with parochial interests to mislead them into activities that could jeopardise their lives, and the stability of the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency