Madagascar Newswire

All from Madagascar

Day: July 25, 2024


North West region: Environmentalists urge plastic reduction to fight floods

On a normal bright day in Bamenda, the chief city of the North West region, there is bustling and hustling, the town is alive, busier than a beehive. The beautiful landscape gives the city a touch of uniqueness, a sense of belonging, and a place to vi…


Tinubu underscores importance of sustaining democracy

President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasised the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions.

The president spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambas…


Littoral: Family demands arrest of son’s killers

A grieving family in Loum Chantier in the Moungo Division of the Littoral region has implored gendarmes of Loum to investigate and lay hands on individuals who beat their son, Tata Louis Marie aka Bobo to death on July 21, 2024.

Bobo whose mortal rem…


Douala: Police nabs six suspected burglars of money transfer kiosks

Members of the anti-crime unit of the Littoral Judicial Police have nabbed six men between the ages of 22 and 36, accused of carrying out a series of criminal operations within the cosmopolitan city of Douala.

Their major operation is said to be burg…


MINAT boss says traditional rulers cannot restrict movements of citizens

In a correspondence to Regional Governors, Senior Divisional Officers and Divisional Officers on July 24, Paul Atanga Nji says the current legal dispositions do not give traditional rulers the right to stop citizens from exercising their movement righ…


Buea roadside traders fear insecurity at new market site

As Municipal Police have begun destroying roadside sales benches July 25, 2024 at the Buea Great Soppo Market, traders have blamed insecurity at the relocation site for hesitance.

This follows an announcement on July 23, warning roadside traders to r…