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Angola almost free of climate impacts

Angolan ecologist, João Serôdio, explained Monday in Luanda that Angola is geographically in an intermediate position, with little possibility of being affected by climate change, comparing to other countries.

The university professor also made this statement to the press at the seminar on Education for Climate Action, with the aim of transforming individuals and communities.

According to him, climate changes have always existed, millions of years ago, and are always conditioned by several factors, so living beings have to adapt against these changes.

To João Serôdio, the Angola’s climatic reality is different from that of Europe, where there is flooding of cities and terrible droughts, as in South Africa.

According to the ecologist, probably between 2040 and 2060 there will be a very severe drought in Southern Africa, and in Benguela in particular, which will force the populations of the south to emigrate to the north or to the Congo.

“I am very concerned about the productivity capacity of Cuando Cubango, with the large foreign investments, knowing that probably in 10 or 15 years there will be a great drought in that region”, he expressed.

João Serôdio slammed the way in which wood is exploited in the country, as it could cause a severe drought.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)