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APHC condemns fresh escalation in extrajudicial killings in IIOJK 

Srinagar, December 26, 2021 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), paying rich tributes to the martyrs of Shopian, Pulwama and other parts of the territory, killed in fake encounters, condemned the fresh escalation in the extrajudicial killings at the brute hands of Indian forces.

The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar expressed grave concern over the deteriorating situation in IIOJK where the freedom-loving people of Kashmir are pushed to the wall by imposing military rule and draconian laws.

Castigating the Modi-led fascist Indian regime for its nefarious designs and heinous criminal acts against the freedom-loving people of Kashmir, the spokesman said that killings, arrests, tortures and molestation of women had become a norm and the agonized people the territory are keenly observing the hellish situation.

“India is mistaken if it believes that people of Kashmir can be subdued by force or by petty financial gains. Gone are the days of surrender and sellout, is a clear and loud message written by the blood of our martyrs”, affirmed the spokesman. So, there is no option but to accept the ground realities and allow the people of Kashmir to decide their political future by exercising their right to self-determination, he added.

The spokesman urged the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres to fulfill his moral and legal obligations and take serious cognizance of the fresh spell of extrajudicial killings and arbitrary arrests, inflicting atrocities on the innocent people of Kashmir at the hands of Indian forces and use his good offices to stop genocide and the worst kind of human rights abuses in Kashmir.

He said that it had become highly imperative to address the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions, in the given circumstances when the South Asian region had become a volatile nuclear zone, a threat to the world peace.

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