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APHC expresses concern over surge in Indian state terrorism in IIOJK 

Srinagar, January 08, 2022 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has expressed serious concern over surge in the state terrorism unleashed by Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government across the territory to suppress the Kashmiris’ just struggle for securing their right to self-determination.

The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said, the freedom-loving people of Kashmir are well aware about their destination and the sacrifices required for the accomplishment of the sacred mission of freedom.

He denounced the incessant hike in fake encounters by Indian troops across the occupied territory. He said the killing of a dozen youth in fake encounters in Srinagar, Badgam, Shopian and Kulgam in the last few days, after taking them into custody, is the worst example of brute Indian imperialism.

The APHC spokesman castigated the brutalities inflicted by India on the innocent people of IIOJK for demanding their right to self-determination and said that the oppressed Kashmiris have been left at the mercy of more than one million occupation troops. “In this grim situation when Kashmir is bleeding, the brave people of Kashmir dare the worst military deployment and bear the enormous ordeals to lead the ongoing resistance movement to its logical conclusion,” he added.

The spokesman urged the United Nations Secretary General to take cognizance of the Indian state terrorism wherein the IIOJK people are subjected to widespread killings, physical violence, illegal detentions and deprived of fundamental rights. He called for an early settlement of the long-pending Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions for ensuring permanent peace in South Asia.

Meanwhile, APHC leader, Maulana Sibte Shabbir Qummi, in a statement in Srinagar paid rich tributes to the Kashmiri youth who have been martyred by Indian troops during this week. He said that the Modi government has given its armed forces a license to commit atrocities and killings in IIOJK but the international human rights organizations were watching all this as silent spectators.

Maulana Sibte Shabbir expressed outrage over the granting of Kashmiris’ land to non-Kashmiri investors and said that it was a deep conspiracy by New Delhi to change the demography and erase the Muslim majority identity of IIOJK. He also reacted strongly to the United Arab Emirates’ plans to carry out various projects in the disputed territory.

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