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APHC, other Hurriyat leaders express concern over HR violations in IIOJK 

Srinagar, December 10, 2021 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and other Hurriyat leaders and organisations have expressed serious concern over the grave human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in the territory to suppress the Kashmiris just struggle for right to self-determination.

The APHC spokesman in a statement in Srinagar, denouncing the unabated killing spree at the hands of Indian forces in IIOJK, said that the whole world is celebrating the Human Rights Day, today, the besieged people of Kashmir are facing the worst kind of Indian imperialism.

Hailing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted on 10th of December, 1948, he expressed his hope that the world community, sooner or later shall have to rectify its negligence with special reference to the grave human rights abuses perpetrated by the Indian occupational forces in IIOJK.

The Hurriyat forum led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a statement issued in Srinagar deplored that for the past three decades the abysmal human rights situation had shown no sign of improvement due to the unresolved Kashmir dispute. It said the situation in IIOJK has only worsened for people with time, being taken to another level since August 5, 2019, with enforcement of unprecedented lockdowns extra-judicial measures and communications gags.

The Jammu and Kashmir Mass Movement Chairman, Molvi Bashir Ahmad Irfani, in a statement in Srinagar demanded of the international community to help stop Indian atrocities in IIOJK and take notice of the human rights violations by Indian forces in the territory. He said that India’s stubbornness was the biggest obstacle to the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute and New Delhi is constantly violating the civil and political rights of the Kashmiris so the world community should shun its silence and hold India accountable for its brutalities in the occupied territory.

The Acting Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, Abdul Ahad Parra in his statement in Srinagar on the occasion of World Human Rights Day expressed concern over the serious human rights violations taking place in the territory. If Indian oppression is not stopped, huge human tragedies will continue to happen in the occupied territory at the hands of unbridled Indian forces, he added.

The Jammu and Kashmir Tehreek-e-Muzahamat Chairman, Bilal Siddiqui in his statement in Srinagar said under the Hindutva regime of Modi, the human rights violations have reached to such a level in IIOJK where even mentioning of human rights is a crime.

The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, in a statement in Srinagar reminded the world powers about their forgotten responsibilities towards the subjugated people of IIOJK on the Human Rights Day. He said, the heinous crimes committed by India in the territory need immediate attention as the Indian forces have declared a war against the Kashmiri people.

Hurriyat leader, Javaid Ahmad Mir, in his statement in Srinagar said that Indian troops were committing genocide of the Kashmiri people and appealed to the United Nations and international community to save them from brutal policies of Modi-led fascist Indian government.

The Chairperson of Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawateen, Zamruda Habib, and General Secretary, Shameema Shawl, in their joint statement said that the health of illegally detained Hurriyat leaders including APHC Chairman, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Aasiya Andrabi, Naheeda Nasreen, Fehmeeda Sofi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Altaf Ahmed Shah, Ayaz Muhammad Akbar, Peer Saifullah, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal, Shahid-ul-Islam and Farooq Ahmed Dar was deteriorating and demanded their immediate release.

The Chairman of Islami Tanzeem-e-Azadi Jammu and Kashmir, Abdul Samad Inqilabi in a statement in Srinagar deplored that the people of IIOJK had been facing the Indian state terrorism for last over seven decades but the United Nations and the world community had become a mute spectators. He stressed the need for permanent settlement of the lingering Kashmir dispute so that durable peace could be established in the region.

The Jammu and Kashmir Employees Movement spokesman in a statement in Srinagar urged the world human rights bodies to take notice of the grim situation of IIOJK. He said atrocities are being committed by the Indian troops to suppress the Kashmiris’ voices but the oppressors, while committing these inhuman acts are forgetting the historical fact that freedom movements of nations never get suppressed by these kinds of tyrannies.

The spokesman of Pairwan-e-Wilayat in a statement in Srinagar said that India had broken all records of human rights violations in IIOJK. He said that innocent youth were being killed in so-called cordon and search operations and in fake encounters but the United Nations was acting as a spectator. He said that the people of Kashmir were being deprived of their basic rights and even religious rights but it was unfortunate that the champions of human rights have maintained a criminal silence.

The Chairman of Kashmir Council for Justice and General Secretary of High Court Bar Association of the occupied territory, G N Shaheen, in a statement in Srinagar on World Human Rights Day, appealed to the United Nations to impress upon the Indian government to stop human rights violations in IIOJK and repeal draconian laws, Armed Special Powers Act, Disturbed Areas Act and Public Safety Act that provided a legal cover to the Indian troops for committing human rights violations and crimes against humanity in the territory.

The Acting Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar in a letter addressed to world leaders urged them to help stop the bloodbath of innocent Kashmiris by the Indian forces. He said that the Indian oppression and suppression would not deter Kashmiris from pursuing their legitimate rights, guaranteed to them by the international community.

Vice Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement, Abdul Majeed Malik, Vice Chairman of Pir Panjal Freedom Movement, Qazi Imran, Convener of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Association, Khalid Shabbir and Vice Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir United Forum, Sajjad Ahmad, in a joint statement in Islamabad said that the people of Kashmir had been struggling for their birth right to self-determination for last 74 years but the Indian troops were suppressing their freedom movement though force.

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