Madagascar Newswire

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General Medical

Candidates admitted in health sector begin functions

Candidates accepted in the 2022 Public Tender for 6,980 vacancies in the health sector will take up their duties on 15 May this year, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) announced Tuesday.

In its press note reached ANGOP, MINSA said that professionals have until the 31st of this month to pick up their job placement guides.

The admitted candidates will take office in the provinces where they were admitted, according to the final classification list.

On the other hand, candidates who applied for the vacancies in the

central body must follow the guidelines of the Single Recruiting Entity, assigned to the National School of Administration and Public Policies (ENAPP).

Some 1,125 specialists entered the public system for a medical career. Also 2,776 for Nursing, 1,221 diagnostic and therapeutic technicians, 764 for hospital support, 158 for the general regime and 54 social workers.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)