Madagascar Newswire

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FDA urges public to promote food safety for healthy lives

Mr Zakaria Braimah, Northern Regional Head, Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), has urged the citizenry to promote food safety through good hygiene practices to ensure healthy lifestyle.

He said mostly, people fell ill due to food contamination as a resu…


NHIA and NIA to issue Ghana cards for children under fifteen years

National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) and the National Identification Authority (NIA) have collaborated to register children from six to 14 years to provide them with official identification and nationwide healthcare.

The registration exercise, …


KGL Foundation making significant contribution to improve public health in Ghana

Mr Nii Annorbah-Sarpei, the Programmes Manager, KGL Foundation, says the Foundation through its consistent organisation of health screening and blood donation exercises, is making a significant contribution to improving public health across Ghana.



Breast milk better than formula; prevents jaundice

Pediatricians at the University of Ghana Medical Centre have advised lactating mothers to exclusively breastfeed their children with breast milk instead of formula until they are six months old.

This is because breast milk is much better than baby fo…


Asante Juaben set to get 500-bed capacity mental health rehabilitation center

A 500-bed capacity mental health rehabilitation centre is set to be established at Asante Juaben in the Juaben Municipality of the Ashanti region.

The project, which is to be established by Mensah Mental Health Rehabilitation (Memhrep), an NGO, is t…


Bishop Tackie-Yarboi donates medical equipment to the neurosurgery unit, KBTH

The Founder of Victory Bible Church International, Bishop Nii Apiakai Tackie-Yarboi has donated four new monitors and brackets to the Neurosurgery Unit of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra.

The donation is a fulfillment of his pledge to the Neu…


Let’s focus on infectious disease research – Lepers Aid

Father Abaraham Kwasi Dzibitor, the Provisional Secretary for the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), Ghana, has asked the Government to commit more resources and efforts into the setup of centres to research into infectious diseases, particularly lepro…


World No Tobacco Day: Government commits to protecting children from interference from Tobacco Industry

The Deputy Minister for Health Alexander Akwasi Aquah says the government will protect children from interference from the tobacco industry with strict enforcement of ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

Speaking at an event to mar…