Madagascar Newswire

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Completion of Kumba City ceremonial ground imminent

By Ande Nanja Rene

Board Members of the Kumba City Council, in the South West region, have authorized the City Mayor of Gregory Mewanu to obtain a social loan amounting to 250 Million FCFA from the Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM), to continue the reconstruction of the abandoned Kumba City Grandstand.

The board members deliberated and agreed to the amount during the first ordinary session of the council for 2024. This session was aimed at examining and adopting the administrative, management, and store accounts of the Council for 2023.

The session held recently at the conference hall of the Kumba City Council was chaired by City Mayor Gregory Mewanu, in the presence of Meme Senior Divisional Officer, Chamberlin Ntou’ou Ndong, who doubles as the supervisory authority of Councils in Meme.

Speaking at the Council session, Chamberlin Ntou’ou Ndong urged the Grand Councillors to seek for lasting solution for the completion of the abandoned Grandstand project, which has already swall
owed approximately 150 million FCFA.

The City Mayor of Kumba told the press that the grandstand project has been stuck due to financial difficulties. He claimed the Council cannot use income from local revenue collected to complete the project.

The reconstruction of the Kumba City Grandstand has been abandoned for close to three years now.

Source: Cameroon News Agency