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Constitutional court role in defence of Constitution highlighted

The President of the Constitutional Court Laurinda Cardoso highlighted the body’s role in defending the Constitution of the Republic, as the country’s fundamental law, aimed at safeguarding fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees.

The presiding judge addressed the topic on “The role of the Constitutional Court and the Extraordinary Appeal of Unconstitutionality (REI)” process, at the first

tripartite provincial conference on Angolan criminal procedure, held in Lobito. coastal benguela province.

Laurinda Cardoso recalled that contrary to common jurisdiction, Constitutional jurisdiction translates into a set of mechanisms and judicial procedures created in order to guarantee the constitutional order of a State.

Should the conclusion proves negative, she said, it is declare unconstitutional.

As for the Extraordinary Appeal of Unconstitutionality (REI), the President of the Constitutional Court said that its importance is based on the issue of human dignity and human rights.

She recalled that the Constitution of the Republic has almost 70 to 80 chapters dedicated to fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees“. Also economic and social rights that constitute a part of fundamental rights”.

In her speech, the judge clarified that the TC role, in the first instance, aims to ensure the application of the principle of supremacy of the Constitution – the fundamental law of the country – and the effectiveness of fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees.

The event was attended by more than 200 participants, including judges, prosecutors and lawyers. JH/CRB

Source: Angola Press News Agency