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GA Gulzar condemns upsurge in arrest spree by Indian troops in IIOJK 

Srinagar, February 25, 2022 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Vice Chairman, Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar, has strongly condemned the upsurge in arrest spree during house raids and so-called cordon and search operations by Indian troops in the territory.

Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar in a statement issued in Srinagar said it is extremely unfortunate that, on one hand, basic human rights are continuously being trampled through force in the occupied territory, while on the other, youth, political leaders and activists are being arrested and put behind the bars on daily basis with the sole aim to force them to give up their freedom struggle.

The APHC Vice Chairman said the Kashmiri people have been facing enormous hardships for the past over seven decades and their miseries, instead of fading away, are increasing manifold with each passing day. He said anyone who raises voice against the atrocities being perpetrated by Indian troops in IIOJK is booked on flimsy grounds. He said the people of IIOJK are not demanding anything new but fulfilment of the promises made to them by the Indian leadership that the dispute over Kashmir will be resolved according to their aspirations.

Ghulam Ahmad Gulzar said the Kashmiri people are struggling to get rid of India’s illegal occupation through a peaceful and democratic formula of right to self-determination. He added that extrajudicial killings, detentions, torture and other human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops against the freedom-loving people of Kashmir would not deter them from pursuing the sacred cause of freedom.

The APHC leader deplored the silence of the world community, especially the United Nations, on the atrocities committed by Indian troops against the innocent and unarmed people of the occupied territory. He maintained that the enormous sufferings faced by the Kashmiris were directly linked to the unresolved Kashmir dispute and appealed to the world to take steps for its settlement in accordance with the UN resolutions and the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

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