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Ghanaians urged to prioritise rail transport for economic growth

Mr Timothy Dotsey, Administrator, Ho Technical University has urged Ghanaians to prioritise rail transportation for economic growth and connectivity.

The move, he said would help facilitate the movement of people and goods and reduce traffic congestion, carbon emissions and also reduce cost on fossil fuel.

Mr Dotsey who is also Research and Business Consultant, Social and Economic advocate, in an interaction with the Ghana News Agency, said rail transport served as a backbone for transportation which helped in offering effective, sustainable and mass transit solutions, and should be prioritised.

‘High cost of rent in the cities of the country was due to the congestion as a result of lack of reliable and timely transport system in the areas,’ he added.

He added that developed nations such as Japan, Germany, and others who utilised the rail transport system served them as a linchpin of their development strategies with the efficiency of moving goods which helped as the pivotal in bolstering economic growth
and global competitiveness.

Mr Dotsey also mentioned that the efficiency of rail transport would not only ease the burden on roads, but also contribute significantly to environmental conservation by promoting a greener mode of transport.

‘The ability to transport goods swiftly and cost effective in enhancing market accessibility and competitiveness, facilitating industrial growth and bolstering supply chain.’

He said that the country faced multifaceted infrastructure challenges, adding ‘an intensive and efficient rail network stand as a beacon of hope.’

Mr Dotsey explained that country stood at the brink of unparalleled economic and societal advancement after enhancing the transformative potential of a rail transport system.

He said the envisioned rail system was not merely tracks and trains, but rather symbolises empowerment for rural community which would enhance market access for entrepreneurs and sustainable pathways for economic growth.

Mr Dotsey also appealed to the government to extend the constr
uction of the railway in the country for easy accessibility.
Source: Ghana News Agency