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Government fully determined to take PR to new heights of glory: Azam Swati 

Islamabad, March 07, 2022 (PPI-OT):Federal Minister for Railways Muhammad Azam Khan Swati has said government is fully determined to take Pakistan Railways to new heights of glory as billions of rupees would be generated from branding of trains. Addressing a news conference in Islamabad, he said that railways and the corporate sector entered into a collaboration based on a transparent and win-win situation. He said that a branding policy based on security and longevity, as required by every businessperson or investor, would soon be approved under his own supervision.

He said that without the cooperation of corporate sector, it would be impossible to make Pakistan Railways a profitable entity. Azam Swati said that that they are striving hard to utilize the dormant resources for the uplift and betterment of Pakistan Railways and said that railways were the key to economic development. He said that the fares and freight charges would also be reduced once the railways started making increased profit. He also expressed hope to start soon the passenger train connecting Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul-Moscow and Central Asia.

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