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Hurriyat forum flays Modi’s policy of selling IIOJK land, resources to outsiders 

Srinagar, December 28, 2021 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Hurriyat forum led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has appealed to the international community to take cognisance of the systemic demographic change being foisted upon Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir by the Modi government by settling outsiders under a new policy of selling land and natural resources to non-locals.

The Hurriyat forum in a statement issued in Srinagar said, the Modi-led fascist Indian regime is changing the demographic character of Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir and disempower its residents to scuttle the final resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people as promised by the international community.

Since August 2019, the statement added, in succession one after other authoritarian laws and diktats are being implemented in IIOJK to facilitate the electoral prospects of the ruling party in India as IIOJK has become its favourite whipping boy. “Simultaneously the ruling dispensation is pursuing the divide and rule policy by dividing the IIOJK population on the basis of religions, regions, ethnicities and political interests to fracture political aspirations and voices.”

The Hurriyat forum said the situation in the occupied territory is highly repressive as people are on the receiving end of this colonial mind-set. It asked the Kashmiris not to lose hope but stay vigilant and alert to these machinations, and safeguard their right over their land and resources.

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