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ICAN Nyanya-Mararaba inaugurates new executives

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) , Nyanya-Mararaba and District Society, has inaugurated new executives to steer its affairs.

The ten-member executive committee, headed by its third Chairman Yahaya Akeem will be in office for one year.

Speaking during the investiture on Saturday in Abuja, Akeem appreciated his members for granting him and other executives the opportunity to lead the district society.

He said that transparency as well as accountability, being the watchword of ICAN, would guide them as they take up the mantle of affairs of the district society.

“For people to entrust one with this type of position, it means that they believe in your capability and capacity.

“They believe in your level of professionalism and they believe you can deliver.

“Over the years, we have shown that we are accountable, transparent and we do things according to rules and regulations.

“ICAN has a value which is accountability and transparency, I will lead by example and I will make sure that I am accountable and transparent in all my dealings,” he said.

Dr Innocent Okwuosa, the 59th ICAN President, represented by Dr Oyemolu Akinsulire, Member, Governing Council, ICAN, called on the federal and state governments to engage more accounting professionals to handle the affairs of the nation’s economy.

“Engage us, if you do not know who to select, we will select for you, we have our members who are also in politics, please make use of them,” he added.

Dr Mansur Liman, Director-General, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and the special guest of honour, urged accountants in the country to be professional and carry out their duties with integrity.

Liman, represented by Mr Ibrahim Bako, Director, Finance and Accounts, FRCN, also called on accountants to come up with new innovations that would assist upcoming and aspiring accountants in meeting up with global best practices.

“The modern world is greatly witnessing advancement in technology and globalisation and that has actually reshaped the way accounting professionals work.

“It is important to draw attention for us to be at the top of our profession and that can only happen if we adapt and evolve.

“That requires continuous trainings and promoting the essence and values that the institute is known for.

“That is professionalism, integrity and excellence,” he said.

For his part, Mr Michael Adeagbo, immediate past chairman of the district society, urged the new exco to continue with the ongoing projects initiated by the past executives.

“What we seriously wanted to achieve during our tenure was the land purchase for us to have our own secretariat.

“That is actually the major area that I will want them to focus on; however, God has helped us to increase the numbers of members in the last year,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria