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India has revived ‘Catch and Kill policy’ in garb of fake encounters: APHC 

Srinagar, December 20, 2021 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has expressed grave concern over the unabated extrajudicial killing spree carried out by Indian forces in the territory. The APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar while paying rich tributes to the fake encounter victims of Harvan, Srinagar, and Pulwama strongly condemned the ruthless killings and said that Indian fascist regime was trying to suppress the ongoing resistance movement.

The spokesman recalled the notorious days of Ikhwan culture when the Indian occupation forces engaged some renegades and launched ‘Catch and Kill’ operation but the great people of Kashmir continued the freedom movement with more vigour and valour. “Today, Indian secret agencies and the fascist rulers, once again, have revived the catch and kill policy by organising fake encounters in the nook and corner of the occupied territory.”

Terming the policy as a worst violation of international law and fundamental human rights guaranteed by the Human Rights Declaration of 1948, the APHC spokesman said that even the prisoners of war avail better rights than the political activists belonging to the freedom movement of Kashmir and the civilian people.

He expressed the hope that the United Nations, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and European Union would rise to the occasion to stand by the freedom loving people of Kashmir against the worst and fraudulent occupation of their motherland by India.

The spokesman said world bodies, keeping in view the widespread genocide and gross violation of human rights by the Indian forces in the occupied territory, must use their influence to pressure India to stop genocide and human rights abuses in Kashmir.

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