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India on path to self-destruction, can’t suppress Kashmiris’ struggle: Alvi 

Islamabad, January 06, 2022 (PPI-OT):President Dr. Arif Alvi has said India was on the path to self-destruction with its Hindutva policy targeting all minorities as it was vainly planning to suppress the Kashmiris’ struggle for their right to self-determination with barbaric steps.

He said the unending oppression coupled with atrocities and human rights violations committed against the innocent Kashmiris in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and other minorities in India, were resulting in a fire that would eventually engulf India and dawn into the freedom of the Kashmiri people.

The president was speaking at the book launching ceremony of Dr. Muhammad Qasim Faktoo, a political Kashmiri prisoner who had been languishing in an Indian jail for the last 29 years. Dr. Faktoo’s book ‘Baang’ provides an insight into his sufferings and life-long struggle against the Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. The event was organised by the Kashmir Youth Alliance (KYA) in collaboration with the Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir in connection with the observance of Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination Day.

President Alvi said Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had regarded Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan, which meant that the Pakistani nation and Kashmiris were tied together in permanent bonds of affections and brotherhood. The Quaid had realised the Hindu machinations long ago and therefore, he parted ways during 1928, he added.

The president observed that injustice was done during the Indo-Pak partition principles whereas promises made with the Kashmiri people by the world community had not been fulfilled. He said India through its unilateral and illegal steps tried to bring demographic changes in the IIOJK, but those were denounced by the world bodies and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and global rights bodies. The president opined that the Hindutva policy pursued by the recent Indian rulers had been a reincarnation of the Hindu’s supremacist ideology centuries ago.

He referred to a book of Khushwant Singh, an Indian writer, who had predicted doom for India due to its self-destruction course. The president said the Muslims could not be suppressed with injustices and oppression. “The use of pellet guns against the Kashmiris had been a human disaster. Indian forces had been using rape against women as a weapon to silence the ever-growing voices for freedom,” he added.

He said India was trying to change its history and there was a continuous onslaught against minorities, including Muslims and Christians. “No minority is safe in India,” he said, adding the Christian charity organisations like Mother Tressa Charity were banned from collecting foreign donations while churches were attacked by the Hindu zealots.

The president regretted that the world was driven through its priorities and vested interests like trade and economy, and was neglecting humanity. He also reiterated that Pakistan being a morality-based country would continue extending its moral, diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiri people in their just struggle for the right to self-determination.

The president said the sacrifices of Kashmiri leaders like Dr. Qasim would ultimately result in the freedom of the IIOJK from the Indian occupation. He also stressed further raising the IIOJK issue at the global fora through collective efforts.

The president cited the success of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance in highlighting the issue of Islamophobia, which also echoed in the recent comments of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Similarly, he also credited the government and Foreign Minister Qureshi for effectively raising the humanitarian issue of Afghanistan and holding a successful OIC meeting.

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