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Indian regime grossly violates ethnic minorities’ human rights: Chinese scholar 

Beijing, March 08, 2022 (PPI-OT):Prominent Chinese scholar, Cheng Xizhong, has said that India, over the years, has grossly violated the human rights of ethnic minorities not only in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), but also throughout its own territories which are closely tracked by several international human rights organization.

Cheng Xizhong, the Visiting Professor of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, called upon the whole world to act immediately and resolutely stop the Narendra Modi-led fascist regime from continuing massive violations of human rights.

Prof Cheng, also a former Chinese diplomat in South Asian countries, in a statement further pointed out that the human rights violations committed by the Indian authorities are closely tracked and thoroughly investigated by many authoritative international human rights organizations such as Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, Amnesty International, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other important international organizations such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Therefore, the charges of international organizations are well founded, and the Narendra Modi regime cannot shirk responsibility for its crimes, he added.

Prof Cheng noted that the international human rights organizations all believe that India is the largest violator of human rights in the world, and minority’s rights are being frequently and brazenly violated under the patronage of the Indian present regime.

He said the most heinous thing is that according to a report by Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, Indian forces’ personnel have openly and frequently committed systematic mass rape in IIOJK as a weapon of war against the Kashmiri Muslim women and they should be crusaded against and punished severely by the whole world.

In addition, taking advantage of laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act that give immunity to the Indian forces’ personnel, they have been on a killing spree. As a result, thousands of Kashmiris and other ethnic minorities have been slaughtered, with massacres like genocide in Rwanda occurring from time to time throughout India, he added.

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