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Luanda pays tribute to Agostinho Neto

The laying of a wreath, the raising of the Monument Flag and a cultural soiree marked, on Tuesday, the celebrations of the Day of the National Hero, António Agostinho Neto, in the province of Luanda.

The program began with the hoisting of the Monument Flag, in the Fortress of São Miguel, followed by the laying of the wreath in the sarcophagus of the first President of Angola, born on September 17, 1922, in Caxicane, Icolo and Bengo.

At the end of the program, chaired by the Minister of State and head of the Military Office of the President of the Republic, Francisco Pereira Furtado, a cultural soiree was held at the Dr. António Agostinho Neto Memorial.

The moment was marked by the interpretation of songs in honor of the also known ‘Greatest Poet’.

The moment brightened, among other artists, Romeu Miranda, Gizela Hossi and Maria Eduardo, Kapa Afonso, Anastácio Adão, Obadias Correia, Solene Neves, Judeth Ester and Mito Gaspar who performed songs and recited poetry such as ‘Havemos de voltar’, ‘Dois anos de
longe’, ‘Adeus a hora da largada’, among others.

Speaking to the press, Francisco Pereira Furtado highlighted the qualities of Agostinho Neto as a politician, nationalist and man of culture.

According to the Minister of State, the figure of Neto should be remembered eternally so that the current generation and those to come know the moments and deeds of the father of the Nation and proclaimer of independence.

‘Neto left a legacy that should be studied and known by all generations, not only from Angola but also from Angola.

He added that it is important to recognize the role and dimension of Agostinho Neto, in the achievement of independence, as well as in guaranteeing sovereignty and peace, examples followed by former President José Eduardo dos Santos and now also President João Lourenço.

In turn, present at the same act, the vice-president of the MPLA, Luísa Damião, said that Neto’s 102nd birthday should be exalted at all levels for being a national hero and an unavoidable figure in the history of Angol

‘Each of us, in our daily actions, must know how to interpret well the thought of the founder of the Angolan nation, in a political, cultural, community and economic dimension,’ he stressed.

Luísa Damião also recalled that the motto chosen for the commemorations of September 17, ‘With Neto’s thinking we must continue to have a more dynamic economy’, responds to the maxim of the founder of the nation, according to which, ‘The most important thing is to solve the problems of the people’.

He defended the need to correctly cement the thought of Agostinho Neto, in order to solve the current challenges, which include the realization of the dream of a peaceful, developed, prosperous, inclusive Angola in which the rich cultural diversity continues to be valued.

In turn, the governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, highlighted Agostinho Neto as the greatest poet and icon of freedom and that his date should revive the memory of all Angolans.

He stressed that the tribute to the late president represents the commitment
of the Angolan Government to continue to exalt and perpetuate in the collective memory, the nationalist, poetic and statesmanlike sense of Agostinho Neto, ensuring the continuity of meeting the needs of the populations.

He added that the Government has followed Neto’s ideals, returning social infrastructures, such as schools and hospitals, capable of ensuring the demand and satisfaction of the improvement of the living conditions of the population.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Executive, political parties, the Angolan Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior, religious, among others.

António Agostinho Neto, the first President of Angola, was born on September 17, 1922, in the village of Kaxicane, municipality of Icolo e Bengo, province of Luanda and would be 102 years old today.

He took over the leadership of the MPLA of which he had been honorary president since 1960, whose condition culminated in the proclamation of independence on November 11, 1975, becoming the first President of Ango
la until 1979.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda pays tribute to Agostinho Neto

The laying of a wreath, the raising of the Monument Flag and a cultural soiree marked, on Tuesday, the celebrations of the Day of the National Hero, António Agostinho Neto, in the province of Luanda.

The program began with the hoisting of the Monument Flag, in the Fortress of São Miguel, followed by the laying of the wreath in the sarcophagus of the first President of Angola, born on September 17, 1922, in Caxicane, Icolo and Bengo.

At the end of the program, chaired by the Minister of State and head of the Military Office of the President of the Republic, Francisco Pereira Furtado, a cultural soiree was held at the Dr. António Agostinho Neto Memorial.

The moment was marked by the interpretation of songs in honor of the also known ‘Greatest Poet’.

The moment brightened, among other artists, Romeu Miranda, Gizela Hossi and Maria Eduardo, Kapa Afonso, Anastácio Adão, Obadias Correia, Solene Neves, Judeth Ester and Mito Gaspar who performed songs and recited poetry such as ‘Havemos de voltar’, ‘Dois anos de
longe’, ‘Adeus a hora da largada’, among others.

Speaking to the press, Francisco Pereira Furtado highlighted the qualities of Agostinho Neto as a politician, nationalist and man of culture.

According to the Minister of State, the figure of Neto should be remembered eternally so that the current generation and those to come know the moments and deeds of the father of the Nation and proclaimer of independence.

‘Neto left a legacy that should be studied and known by all generations, not only from Angola but also from Angola.

He added that it is important to recognize the role and dimension of Agostinho Neto, in the achievement of independence, as well as in guaranteeing sovereignty and peace, examples followed by former President José Eduardo dos Santos and now also President João Lourenço.

In turn, present at the same act, the vice-president of the MPLA, Luísa Damião, said that Neto’s 102nd birthday should be exalted at all levels for being a national hero and an unavoidable figure in the history of Angol

‘Each of us, in our daily actions, must know how to interpret well the thought of the founder of the Angolan nation, in a political, cultural, community and economic dimension,’ he stressed.

Luísa Damião also recalled that the motto chosen for the commemorations of September 17, ‘With Neto’s thinking we must continue to have a more dynamic economy’, responds to the maxim of the founder of the nation, according to which, ‘The most important thing is to solve the problems of the people’.

He defended the need to correctly cement the thought of Agostinho Neto, in order to solve the current challenges, which include the realization of the dream of a peaceful, developed, prosperous, inclusive Angola in which the rich cultural diversity continues to be valued.

In turn, the governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, highlighted Agostinho Neto as the greatest poet and icon of freedom and that his date should revive the memory of all Angolans.

He stressed that the tribute to the late president represents the commitment
of the Angolan Government to continue to exalt and perpetuate in the collective memory, the nationalist, poetic and statesmanlike sense of Agostinho Neto, ensuring the continuity of meeting the needs of the populations.

He added that the Government has followed Neto’s ideals, returning social infrastructures, such as schools and hospitals, capable of ensuring the demand and satisfaction of the improvement of the living conditions of the population.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Executive, political parties, the Angolan Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior, religious, among others.

António Agostinho Neto, the first President of Angola, was born on September 17, 1922, in the village of Kaxicane, municipality of Icolo e Bengo, province of Luanda and would be 102 years old today.

He took over the leadership of the MPLA of which he had been honorary president since 1960, whose condition culminated in the proclamation of independence on November 11, 1975, becoming the first President of Ango
la until 1979.

Source: Angola Press News Agency