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Madagascar Country Office: Humanitarian Situation Report No. 9 – Reporting Period: March 2022


• Nutritional situations remain better compared to the same period last year. As expected, there was a slight increase in the number of admissions in March compared to January and February 2022 due to the lean season.

• UNICEF’s WASH interventions have reached 102,000 people (52 000 women with 26 000 girls and 50 000 man with 25 000 boys) who are most affected by the drought in the regions of Androy, Anosy and Atsimo Andrefana, out of the 800,000 targeted by the WASH cluster and 500 000 by UNICEF,

• Supporting the national response plan to increase access to essential and life-saving health care for women and children in the Greater South,

UNICEF has covered the year to date. A total of 32,500 people, or 16 per cent of the annual target, have received essential and life-saving health services. March used to replan the intervention through a bottom-up process.

• UNICEF continued to coordinate the cash plus response to the drought through the Cash Working Group. In February, UNICEF covered about 45,000 people (approximately 24,000 children) with Humanitarian Cash Transfers.

• In response to the challenges faced by populations, service providers and humanitarian actors are identifying, reporting and seeking/providing quality assistance to victims of GBV or SEA, and in response to reduce risk situations detected, UNICEF is carrying out a series of dedicated trainings on GBViE and PSEA, including a training of trainers that will enable an acceleration in preventive and risk mitigation measures.

Source: UN Children’s Fund