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Malaysian parliamentarian reiterates his country’s support to Kashmir cause

Islamabad, December 14, 2021 (PPI-OT): Malaysian parliamentarian, Hasanuddin Bin Mohammad Younus while reiterating his country’s support to the Kashmiris’ legitimate cause has vowed to play his role in galvanizing the Malaysian government’s role to seek an early solution of the Kashmir dispute.

Mr Younis made these assertions while talking to a three-member delegation of the APHC-AJK chapter who called on him in Islamabad, the other day. The delegation comprising Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Altaf Hussain Wani and Shamim Shawl apprised the visiting parliamentarian about the prevailing political human rights situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaking on the occasion Mr Younis said that Malaysia was keenly observing the situation in IIOJK. “Tomorrow I am visiting Azad Kashmir to listen more and, on my return, will brief my colleagues in the parliament and will push the government to play a forceful role in bringing an end to rights violations and for the early solution of the issue,” he said.

The Hurriyat leaders while thanking the parliamentarian for the support Malaysia and its civil society has been providing to Kashmir cause, said that it was high time that the international community particularly the Muslim world should take effective notice of India’s apartheid regime’s political and administrative machinations intended to change the demographic complexion of the Muslim majority Kashmir.

Referring to India’s imperialistic policies, the Kashmiri delegation told the Malaysian lawmaker that along with settler colonialism policies the BJP government was using the detention of political leaders, human rights defenders, and other activists as a tool to stifle the voice of dissent in the region.

Malaysian parliamentarian was also briefed about the ongoing spree of fake encounters, termination of Muslim employees, land grabbing for more military cantonments, and human rights abuses being committed by the Indian forces in IIOJK.


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