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March held in Muzaffarabad to remind UN of Kashmiris’ Right to self-determination

Muzaffarabad, January 04, 2022 (PPI-OT):Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir organized a march in Muzaffarabad, today, to remind the UN of its obligation to implement its resolution that granted the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self-determination several decades ago.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the United Nations Security Council had passed a resolution on 5th January in 1949 supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves through the UN-sponsored plebiscite. The march was led by Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Uzair Ahmad Ghazali accompanied with Bilal Ahmad Farooqi, Azmat Hayat Kashmiri, Dr Muhammad Manzoor, Usman Ali Hashim, Muhammad Fayyaz Khan, Faisal Farooq, Khalid Shah and many other religious, political leaders and activists.

Addressing on the occasion, the speakers said that the purpose of the march was to make the masses aware about the Kashmir cause. They said rallies will be organized across Azad Jammu and Kashmir on the occasion of Right to Self-Determination Day to be observed tomorrow (5th January).

The participants of the march said that the Kashmiri people were demanding of the UN to hold a free, fair and impartial referendum in Jammu and Kashmir to enable them decides their fate by themselves. They maintained that it is the legal and moral responsibility of the international community to play role in ending India’s unconstitutional military occupation of Jammu and Kashmir and settling the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The speakers maintained that through a public rally in Muzaffarabad, tomorrow, (January 5), the Indian rulers would be warned that the Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory and its fate will be decided only by the Kashmiri people.

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Kashmir Media Service
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