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Meeting of the Senate standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat held under the Chairmanship of Senator Rana Maqbool Ahmad

Islamabad, January 19, 2022 (PPI-OT):Meeting of the Senate standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Rana Maqbool Ahmad here at Parliament House on Wednesday. Committee meeting was convened for consideration of “The Civil Servants (Amendment) Bill, 2021” moved by Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, in the Senate Sitting held on 17-01-2022.

The Bill was originally moved by Mr. Jam Abdul Karim Bijar, Syed Agha Rafiullah and Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel, MNAs in the National Assembly as Private Bill. Subsequently, the Bill was referred to the Standing Committee which considered the Bill in its meetings held on 11.8.2020 and 29.9.2020 and recommended that the Bill may be passed by the National Assembly. The Bill was passed by the National Assembly on 9th November, 2021.

The Bill seeks amendment in Section 5 of the Civil Servants Act. 1973 with a view to lay down an enabling provision so that a civil servant holding dual nationality or citizenship of any foreign country shall not be entitled for appointment.

Senator Saadia Abbasi was of the view that there should be a comprehensive briefing regarding the impact of the Amendment before moving ahead with further consideration of the Bill. Senator Mushtaq Ahmed and Senator Saifullah Khan Nyazee supported the Bill. Senator Mushtaq Ahmed was of the view that dual Pakistani nationals take oath of allegiance when they accept any foreign Nationality in which they reiterate that they would stay loyal and even fight for that particular country.

“How can we allow dual nationals on sensitive positions of the civil service”. Remarked Senator Mushtaq Ahmed. Senator Afnan Ullah Khan said that there have been examples in the past that dual national officers have made important decisions on the last day of their service before retirement and after that they have left the country never to come back. “Why only lawmakers are barred from having dual nationality” questioned Senator Afnan Ullah Khan.

Chairman Committee after due deliberations decided that a comprehensive briefing is required in order to understand the impact of this Amendment. Chairman Committee directed that verbatim of debate on this Bill in National Assembly be provided to members before next meeting of the committee. Consideration of matter was deferred to be taken up again in the next meeting of the committee. Meeting was attended by Senators, Afnan Ullah Khan, Saadia Abbasi, Kamil Ali Agha, Saifullah Khan Nyazee, Mushtaq Ahmed, senior officials from Establishment Division and law ministry.

For more information, contact:
Senate of Pakistan
H.No.7, Cat-II, G-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9204564534
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