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Ministers of the gospel of Christ ordained in Ho

International Council for Charismatic Preachers and Churches (ICPC) has ordained 14 ministers of the gospel of Christ in Ho, in the Volta region.

The ICPC is an ordination body which is a coalition of many fellowships of the gospel ministers who believe in the death and the resurrection of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, his redemption power through the efficacy of his precious blood and his second coming.

Bishop Professor Gilbert Okechy, Founder and President of Word and Spirit Divinity College and Theological Seminary, West Africa, who ordained the ministers charged them to be faithful to God to receive his blessings.

He asked them to develop personal relationship with God to receive the right teachings from the holy spirit to feed his flocks because there were lot of wrong doctrines going on in the world today.

Bishop Okechy advised the newly ordained ministers to avoid siphoning money from their congregants and must ensure in all things to deal with God in spirit and in truth.

The Professor said to ensure sanity in the church, there must first be integrity on the altar, thus, it was important for the ministers of the gospel to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of emulation.

He reminded the people that the ordination of the ministers was a testament to their calling for the work of God, hence they must accord them the needed respect as the anointed ones of God.

Reverend Terry Adjah of the Assemblies of God Church, Ghana in a homily urged ministers of the gospel to be properly equipped with the word of God so they could effectively prosecute the agenda of God in all truthfulness.

He said ministers of the gospel must always be in the arena of the holy spirit to receive proper nourishment, growth in the spirit and the needed empowerment to carry out the mission and to impact lives.

Reverend Adjah said it was important for ministers of the gospel to hold in high esteem proper values and high standards because they were placed in a position to bring transformation into the lives of the people.

Evangelist Bright Amesu, one of the newly ordained ministers told Ghana News Agency, the training they had prior to the ordination had prepared them for the work and was grateful to Bishop Okechy and the College for building them in the word of God.

He believed that with prayer and absolute reliance on God for support they would be able to surmount any challenge that they might encounter in the field to win more souls for Christ.

The programme was on the theme: The Prestige of Priesthood.’

Source: Ghana News Agency