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Mushaal seeks world’s intervention to save Yasin Malik’s life 

Islamabad, February 22, 2022 (PPI-OT):The Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation (PCO), Mushaal Hussein Mullick, has urged the world powers and human rights organizations to press the Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government to ensure release from Indian illegal detention of her husband Muhammad Yasin Malik, who is battling for life.

The Hurriyat leader in a statement on their 13 wedding anniversary on Tuesday said that Yasin Malik was arrested on 10th wedding anniversary by the Indian government and was sent to Delhi’s notorious Tihar Jail. She said that the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Yasin Malik, has been languishing in Tihar Jail since then despite his fast deteriorating health condition, paying the price for his struggle for freedom.

Mushaal said that during the 13 years of their marriage life, the couple spent only 60 days together out of the total around 4,750 days, as they were kept separated and divided by the Indian state through various excuses.

She said that Yasin Malik has been put in the jail for his sole crime of raising voice against the Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. However, she vowed that the brutal authorities could have separated them physically but can never distance them emotionally. “Happy 13th wedding anniversary Yasin with the hope that we will reunite one day and relive the love that we once shared,” she hoped.

The PCO chairperson maintained that her husband is battling for life as he is facing serious health issues while the fascist Indian authorities deprived him of all basic rights. She said that Modi government kept Yasin Malik in solitary confinement and no one was allowed to meet him despite repeated requests. I demand the release of Yasin Malik who has been imprisoned on false charges by the Indian government along with other Kashmiri prisoners who have been kept in illegal detention to muzzle their voices, she said.

“We demand urgent intervention by the world leaders to secure Yasin Malik’s release from unlawful imprisonment by India to save his life amid his rapidly deteriorating health,” she added.

Mushaal said that Yasin Malik is a popular and revered leader of Jammu and Kashmir, who has been waging a peaceful struggle against the Indian occupation of Kashmir; hence he has been kept in torture cell to defuse the intensity of the freedom struggle. However, she vowed that the brave Kashmiri people would not be deterred by such brutal Indian tactics and would take his mission of breaking shackles of slavery to its logical ends at all costs.

The Hurriyat leader deplored that India is perpetrating the worst human rights violations and genocide of unarmed Kashmiris in IIOJK but the world powers are watching as silent spectators.

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