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Mushaal terms Russel Tribunal on Kashmir a great initiative 

Islamabad, December 18, 2021 (PPI-OT):The Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, has termed holding of Russel War Crimes Tribunal on Kashmir in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina as a wonderful initiative to highlight the war crimes committed by Indian forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, Kashmir Civitas, an international civil society and advocacy organization working for the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, is holding the Russell Tribunal on Kashmir from 17-19 December 2021 to highlight the grave issue of genocide, settler-colonialism, crimes against humanity and nuclear threat emerging in the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mushaal, the wife of illegally detained Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement issued in Islamabad called the initiative as a timely and much-needed move to expose the dirty face of India, which has turned Kashmir into a living hell for the Kashmiris. She said the holding of the tribunal on Kashmir will help in raising awareness about the responsibility of the international community to prevent the ongoing crimes against humanity and genocide of Kashmiris.

The Hurriyat leader said the Indian forces’ personnel have unleashed a wave of state terrorism in the scenic Kashmir Valley with complete impunity, because they have been given legal protection against war crimes rather they are awarded on committing genocide of the Kashmiris. She said the brutal Indian forces are violating all international laws, human rights and conventions but the UN and international human right organizations have observed a criminal silence in this regard.

Mushaal maintained that the Indian brutal tactics and state terrorism could not silent the dissenting voices in IIOJK and they would take the freedom struggle to its logical conclusion at all costs. It is to mention here that Kashmir Civitas has partnered with the Russell Foundation in London, UK, the Permanent Peoples Tribunal of Bologna, Italy, the International University of Sarajevo and the Center for Advanced Studies in Sarajevo to hold the inaugural three-day Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

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