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People in IIOJK living under worst Indian military siege: Masarat Aalam 

Srinagar, February 20, 2022 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, illegally detained Chairman of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Masarat Aalam Butt has said that Kashmir has been turned into a hell where human life has lost its honour, dignity and value, under the worst Indian military siege.

Masarat Aalam Butt in a memorandum addressed to the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres from infamous Tihar jail, New Delhi, urged him to use his good offices and help resolve the Kashmir dispute and stop genocide, extrajudicial killings, and widespread human rights abuses in IIOJK perpetrated by Indian forces.

Following is the full text of the memorandum:

“His Excellency,

Antonio Guterres, Secretary General

United Nations Organisation.


Today, on 20th of February 2022, the world is celebrating “World Day of Social Justice”. It is believed that justice is giving, everybody his due. It is not nearly numerical, it is social as well. It attempts to remove degradation, discrimination and exploitation. Justice demands, the rule of law, but at the same time, it expects law to be based on a social system that does not allow any discrimination and exploitation.

Twentieth Century was often described as the age of rights. Now we have stepped in the 21st Century. Rights have moral, political and legal functions. As we also know that human rights are moral pre legal rights. They are not granted by the people nor can they be taken away by them. They can only be respected or violated by them.

Social Justice is interrelated to the protection and safeguard of Human Rights both at National and International level. In this regard the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed on 10th of December 1948,” United Nations Charter of Human Rights” which guarantees: Civil, political, social and economic rights.

Sir, For the last quarter century now, the people of Jammu and Kashmir are engaged in a resistance movement against the Indian illegal occupation, demanding their inalienable Right to Self Determination as recognised by the United Nations Security council in its, more than one and a half dozen Resolutions. The ordeal under the shadow of a war faced by the people of Kashmir, illegally occupied by India, has been reported by various independent organisations working for human rights, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Red Cross Committee and several local human rights organisations.

The dreadful saga of human rights abuses perpetrated by Indian occupation forces needs volumes together to narrate. All fundamental Rights have been snatched from the subjugated people of Kashmir by India. Freedom of speech is prohibited. Human dignity has been bruised. Impartial journalism has been strangulated. Political space has been bulldozed. Economic blockades are imposed. Demography of the internationally recognised disputed territory is being changed, unilaterally. Arbitrary arrests, physical violence, desecration of the chastity of women, rape, plunder, degradation of Human values, extrajudicial killings in fake encounters, has become a routine matter. State Terrorism perpetrated by more than one million occupation forces of India is being used for widespread genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslim majority of the occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Sir, the people of Jammu and Kashmir, today on this auspicious celebration of World Social Justice Day hope that the highest World Body: UNO shall, in pursuance of its moral and legal obligations, intervene in Jammu and Kashmir dispute to resolve it in accordance with the United Nations Security council Resolutions and the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir. Kosovo and East Timur are the glaring examples of UN intervention where the people exercised their inalienable right to self-determination and finally the conflicts got Resolutions honourably.

In comparison to Kosovo and East Timur, people of Kashmir have rendered innumerable sacrifices in terms of Human lives and material property. Today Kashmir has been turned into a hell where human life has lost its honour, dignity and value, under the worst military siege of India.

on behalf of people of Jammu and Kashmir appeal to your good self to use your good offices and help resolve Kashmir dispute and stop genocide, extrajudicial killings, and widespread Human Rights Abuses in the Indian illegally occupied territory perpetrated by Indian occupation forces, unabated.”

Yours sincerely,

Masarat Aalam Butt,

Chairman, All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

From Tihar jail, India

20th of February 2022

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