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Posters appear in Srinagar to expose India’s anti-Kashmir designs

Srinagar, December 22, 2021 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, posters have appeared in Srinagar and other areas to record the Kashmiris’ protest against the divisive policies being pursued by the RSS and BJP like the new delimitation exercise in the territory.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the posters displayed by Jammu Kashmir Hurriyat Youth Forum in Srinagar and other areas read, “Violation of Kashmiris’ UN-recognized right to self-determination – A challenge and threat to peace in the region”.

The posters said the Modi-led fascist Indian regime is changing the demography of Muslim majority IIOJK by different tactics and is misleading the international community about the actual ground situation of the territory.

For more information, contact:
Kashmir Media Service
Phone: +92-51-4435548, +92-51-4435549
Fax: +92-51-4861736