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Prime Minister enjoys full support of assembly members and failure of no-trust move is written on the wall: Chief Minister Punjab 

Lahore, March 09, 2022 (PPI-OT):Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has come into action owing to no trust motion. Usman Buzdar met with Members National Assembly in Islamabad. Those calling on CM included Chief Whip Malik Amir Dogar, Makhdoom Syed Sami ul Hassan Gillani, Dr. Muhammad Afzal Dhandla and Ghulam Bibi Bharwana.

Matters pertaining to the political situation in the country, foiling the no confidence motion of the opposition and chalking out future line of action came under discussion. Members National Assembly reposed their full trust in PM Imran Khan and CM Usman Buzdar during the meeting. CM while expressing his views on this occasion vowed that we would collectively counter the no-trust motion of the opposition.

We are all united and would remain so in future as well, he added. He emphasized that the propaganda being launched by the opposition cannot create anarchy among our ranks. CM disclosed that the opposition lacks full number of members for moving no-trust motion. He maintained that Prime Minister Imran Khan was confident earlier and is brimming with confidence even today. He underscored that those moving no trust motion do not trust one another.

CM stated that Prime Minister Imran Khan enjoys utmost support of all assembly members and will continue to enjoy such support in future. Usman Buzdar highlighted that the failure of the no-confidence motion is written on the wall and vowed that the PTI government would complete its five years tenure. CM emphatically remarked that the masses would elect Imran Khan as Prime Minister for the next five years tenure as well.

For more information, contact:
Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
Government of the Punjab
8-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-99205562-3
Fax: +92-42-99205561