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Stakeholders’ Conference on “Lahore Technopolis” Organized by Punjab Board of Investment and Trade

Lahore, February 23, 2022 (PPI-OT): Provincial Minister for Higher Education and IT Raja Yasir Hamayoun said that project of Lahore Techno polis offers excellent opportunities for Foreign Direct Investment into the digital growth of Punjab. He was speaking at a “Stakeholders Conference” which was arranged by the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade on the development of “Lahore Techno polis”, Punjab’s 1st Special Technology Zone.

Anchored in the robust framework of “Special Technology Zones”, the Lahore Techno polis was launched by the Hon. Prime Minister Imran Khan on 23rd December, 2021 as a step towards enabling a digital revolution in the knowledge economy.

Provincial Minister for Higher Education and IT Raja Yasir Hamayoun chaired the seminar while Chairman Punjab Board of Investment and Trade Fazeel Asif Jah, Chairman Lahore Knowledge Park Company Jamal Akbar Ansari, Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board, potential consumers, stakeholders, policy makers and related government officials were also present on the occasion.

Chairman PBIT Fazeel Asif Jah shared that as per the industry demands, PBIT has organized this session to enable potential consumers, market players and policy makers to synergize their actions toward a single objective of modernizing the economy and utilizing the abundant skilled labour force available in the local market. He hoped that this session shall act as an early-stage catalyst for candid discussion and exchange the ideas in an open and progressive manner to frame a mutually beneficial way forward for this key project.

Minister Raja Yasir Hamayoun, while appreciating the initiative of Punjab Board of Investment and Trade to gather all stakeholder under one roof to exchange ideas, said that being the first of its kind technology parks in Pakistan, the project of Lahore Techno polis offers excellent opportunities for Foreign Direct Investment into the digital growth of Punjab while also presenting a great opportunity to the local IT and knowledge market to enjoy the comprehensive eco system for the hi-tech manufacturing, innovation, IT solution services, research and development and manufacturing of tech hardware clustered in one geographical space.

The Participants presented their recommendations on the future road map for the project which shall harness different factors of the ICT and hi-tech science value chain including the academia, institutes of scientific excellence, incubators, accelerators and global brands of tech/tech enabled solutions into a single cluster. The spill over effect of the project shall bring much needed technological advancement in several key economic sectors through concerted R and D supply chain development.

For more information, contact:
Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-9201390-86