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Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, at the opening of the 2022 session of the special committee on peacekeeping operations 

Islamabad, February 16, 2022 (PPI-OT):

Mr. Chair,

I would like to congratulate you, Your Excellency brother Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Permanent Representative of Nigeria, on your re-election as the Chair of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations. We have full trust and confidence in your leadership, says a press release received here today from New York.

I would like to align my delegation with the statement made by Morocco on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement. Peacekeeping is a proven success.

As a long serving troop contributing country, Pakistan has a keen interest in the continued success of peacekeeping. Our peacekeepers have served in almost all the continents of the world, with distinction and professionalism. For example, they protected civilians and guarded UN premises and equipment, even in the face of high-risk situations, with limited resources, during the drawdown and closures of peacekeeping missions.


Peacekeeping is most effective when it is backed by a well-defined political strategy. Pakistan welcomes the focus of Secretary General’s A4P+ initiative on the ‘primacy of politics’. The threats to international peace and security have political causes and, ultimately, political solutions. Member States, particularly the Security Council, can support political solutions through sustained attention, especially in the case of conflicts and disputes that have persisted for a long time.

The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is one such example, where the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has been defined for a just and lasting solution. It will lead to durable peace in the region and beyond.


Pakistan appreciates the growing focus on the performance of peacekeeping missions. We must acknowledge that performance depends on several factors – for example, on resources, on appropriate mandates and on effective political support. Without a comprehensive approach, it will be challenging to achieve the ‘benchmarks ‘on performance in peacekeeping missions.

Rigorous training has become vital for peacekeepers due to the increase in high-risk deployments. UN training programs should also seek to raise a national cadre of trainers in host states and TCC’s. The Center for International Peace and Stability (CIPS) in Islamabad offers a range of training courses on emerging peacekeeping themes, such as the Protection of Civilians (PoC), Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and community engagement.

The significance of technology has increased manifold in the face of the pandemic and with the increasing deployment of peacekeepers in conflict situations. We need appropriate internet infrastructure and interoperable radio systems, health care technologies, high-tech air ambulances, telemedicine and well-equipped medical personnel.

Pakistan values the WPS agenda. Pakistani female engagement teams (FET’s) have served to build greater trust with local communities through interaction with female population. In recent years, Pakistan has made a concerted effort to achieve 50 percent female representation across our community engagement platoons. We reiterate our call for equitable geographical representation of women, including at senior level positions, in the field and the UN Secretariat.

UN peacekeeping must naturally afford protection to the civilian populations in their areas of responsibility. Peacekeeping missions should however refrain from operating in grey zones which could erode their neutrality and legitimacy.

Peacekeeping and peacebuilding are mutually supportive. This relationship should be strengthened. Pakistan calls for strengthening the programmatic funding earmarked for peacebuilding activities in peace operations. It will accelerate the pace of recovery in a conflict affected country.

Thank you.

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