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UN should implement recommendations of Russell Tribunal on Kashmir: KCEU 

Brussels, December 22, 2021 (PPI-OT):The Chairman of Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU), Ali Raza Syed, has applauded the recommendations of the Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in Sarajevo and called upon the UN to implement them. Russell Tribunal on Kashmir which was jointly initiated by Russell Foundation London and Kashmir Civitas and other civil society organizations in the Bosnian capital from 17-19 December, was attended by various experts of region and global affairs, scholars and opinion makers from different parts of the world last weekend.

The final statements of the judges of the tribunal emphasized that the situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is a serious matter of concern for the whole humanity as genocide and rape, unlawful detention and mass blinding and other crimes against the humanity are being used as weapons of war by India.

The JKEU Chairman Ali Raza Syed, who attended Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in Bosnia and delivered a lecture on crimes against the humanity in IIOJK, in a statement issued in Brussels while commenting on the judgments of the tribunal said, the tribunal accurately accepted the facts about IIOJK, which is witnessing worse crimes against the humanity. The KCEU Chairman called upon the international community, particularly the UN and major powers of the world, to play their role in implementing the recommendations of the Russell Tribunal on Kashmir.

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