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Pakistan urges international community to take actions against India for its negative policies in IIOJK

Islamabad, January 28, 2022 (PPI-OT):Foreign Office, Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has urged international community, especially the United Nations and permanent members of UN Security Council, to take specific actions to refrain India from continuing its negative, hostile and regressive policies in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Responding to questions during weekly news briefing in Islamabad on Friday, he said Indian regime’s oppressive policies are continuing unabated in the held valley. He said Pakistan will continue raising voice for Kashmiri people facing tyranny of Indian forces in IIOJK.

The Spokesperson said Pakistan wants cordial relations with all its neighbours including India but New Delhi does not reciprocate in the same manner. Asim Iftikhar dispelled the impression of any slowdown in projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor. He said both Pakistan and China are strongly committed to take CPEC forward and make it successful.

The Spokesperson also urged international community to come forward in fulfilling humanitarian needs of people of Afghanistan. He said Pakistan had announced a five billion rupees’ assistance package, comprising 50,000 tons of wheat, medication, shelter and other things, for the people of Afghanistan.

The Spokesperson said Islamabad has conveyed its willingness to Indian authorities allowing humanitarian assistance India has announced, especially the provision of wheat, to pass through Pakistan’s territory.

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