Madagascar Newswire

All from Madagascar

Day: October 3, 2022

Press Releases

Global Health and Gavi Veteran Anuradha Gupta to Lead Global Immunization at Sabin

Former Gavi deputy CEO Anuradha Gupta joins Sabin Vaccine Institute WASHINGTON, Oct. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Veteran public health leader Anuradha Gupta, who has spearheaded a host of successful global initiatives to improve the health of women and children and boost vaccine access and uptake, has joined Sabin Vaccine Institute as President of Global […]

Press Releases

Anuradha Gupta, spécialiste de la santé mondiale et ancienne cadre chez Gavi, dirigera le programme de vaccination mondiale de Sabin

WASHINGTON, 03 oct. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anuradha Gupta, leader chevronnée de la santé publique, qui a dirigé de nombreuses initiatives mondiales couronnées de succès visant à améliorer la santé des femmes et des enfants et à accroître l’accès et l’adoption des vaccins, a rejoint le Sabin Vaccine Institute en tant que présidente du programme […]

Press Releases

Anuradha Gupta, veterana de saúde global e da Gavi lidera a imunização global da Sabin

WASHINGTON, Oct. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A veterana líder em saúde pública Anuradha Gupta, que liderou uma série de iniciativas globais bem-sucedidas para melhorar a saúde de mulheres e crianças, e ampliar o acesso e a utilização de vacinas, entrou para o Instituto de Vacinas Sabin como Presidente de Imunização Global. O histórico de […]


Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries, Situation as of August 2022

Abstract: This statistical report contains a subset of cereal country balance sheets (CCBS) data and presents updated cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries. It complements the information of the FAO/GIEWS Crop Prospects and Food Situation report…


Anticipatory Action: Sahel Pilots Overview

The purpose of this document is to present an overview of the anticipatory action frameworks facilitated by OCHA in the Sahel, including Burkina Faso, Chad, and Niger. These pilots present innovations in the way that OCHA facilitates collective anticipatory action…


Update on the operations of UNHCR in West and Central Africa – Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme, Seventy-third session, 10-14 October 2022

Overview The operational environment in the West and Central Africa region was marked by persisting instability and armed conflict, but also significant opportunities and advancements towards protection and solutions. Most important among these were: key legislative changes; the successful implementation…

Press Releases

EMGA achève une levée de fonds de 9,4 millions d’euros pour Kashf Foundation avec un financement de BIO

LONDRES, 03 oct. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La facilité de financement de 9,4 millions d’euros pour Kashf Foundation a été créée, structurée et négociée par Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), la banque d’investissement des marchés émergents. S’exprimant au sujet de cette transaction, M. Shahzad Iqbal, directeur financier de Kashf Foundation, a déclaré : « Kashf Foundation est enregistrée […]

Press Releases

A EMGA concluiu uma angariação de capital de 9,4 milhões de EUR para a Kashf Foundation com financiamento da BIO

LONDRES, Oct. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A linha de financiamento no valor de 9,4 milhões de euros para a Kashf Foundation foi criada, estruturada e negociada pela Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), o banco de investimento para os mercados emergentes. Ao falar sobre a transação, o Sr. Shahzad Iqbal, diretor financeiro (CFO) da Kashf Foundation […]