Madagascar Newswire

All from Madagascar

Day: March 19, 2023


Lunda Sul gets 60,000 hectares for PLANAGRÃO

Saurimo – At least 60,000 hectares of land have been identified, in the eastern Lunda Sul Province, for the start of the National Plan for Promotion of Grain Production (PLANAGRÃO), in 2024.These are the municipalities of Saurimo and Muconda, in the p…


Petro, 1ºAgosto play Angola Cup semi-finals

Luanda – Petro de Luanda and 1º Agosto are clashing Tuesday in the semi-finals of the Angola Senior Men’s Basketball Cup.The Angolan Basketball Federation has yet to indicate the time and venue of the match.To reach this stage, the two teams beat thei…


Angola takes part in 2nd Russia-Africa International Parliamentary Conference

Luanda – The third Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly, Raul Augusto Lima, is representing the country at the II International Russia-Africa Parliamentary Conference taking place on March 19, 20 in the Russian capital, Moscow.According to a statemen…