Globeleq’s Malindi Solar Plant is Generating Clean Energy to the National Grid

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, the leading independent power company in Africa, and its project partner, Africa Energy Development Corporation (AEDC), has indicated that its 52MWp Malindi Solar photovoltaic (PV) plant has been exporting 40 MWac of power into the national grid since 14 December 2021.  The power plant is delivering enough clean and renewable power to supply approximately 250,000 residential customers and will avoid 44,500 tons of CO2-equivalent emissions annually.  Made up of 157,000 photovoltaic panels, it is one of the first IPP owned utility scale solar plants in Kenya and the only renewable power plant located in the Coastal area.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth (PRNewsfoto/Globeleq)

The US$69 million solar plant is located in Langobaya, Malindi District, Kilifi County, about 120 kms north-east of Mombasa and started construction in 2019.  Electricity is being sold through a 20-year agreement with the national distribution company, Kenya Power.  The project also included the construction of a new 220 kV Weru substation which has already been handed over to Kenya Power and is now a part of the national grid infrastructure.

Mike Scholey, Globeleq’s CEO commented: “It is exciting to see this plant operating.  Malindi is our tenth operational solar PV plant in Africa and cements our unique position as a leader in large scale solar generation. Thank you to all involved for making this project a success and supporting plans to achieve net-zero by 2050.”

Zohrab Mawani, AEDC’s Director added: “AEDC is pleased that the Malindi project has reached this all-important milestone and is contributing to Kenya’s supply of renewable and affordable electricity.”

Financing of Malindi Solar was organized by CDC, the UK’s development finance institution, as the lead arranger and sourced US$52 million in debt financing including $20 million from DEG, the German development finance institution.

About Globeleq

Globeleq is a leading developer, owner and operator of electricity generation in Africa. Since 2002, its experienced team of professionals have built a diverse portfolio of independent power plants, The company owns and operates more than 1,500 MW in 14 locations across 6 countries, with a further 2,000 MW of power projects in development and more than 720 MW in construction .

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University of Alabama at Birmingham anuncia primeiro transplante clínico de rins de porco geneticamente modificado em humanos com morte cerebral

Pesquisadores da University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) são os primeiros do mundo a realizar transplante de rim de porco em humanos:

  • Primeiro estudo revisado por pares/publicado de um rim de porco geneticamente modificado transplantado em um corpo de um receptor humano com morte cerebral
  • Primeiro estudo de um transplante de rim de porco em humano usando rins geneticamente modificados com 10 edições de genes principais que podem tornar os rins adequados para uso clínico terapêutico direto em humanos
  • Primeira validação de um teste de compatibilidade antes do xenotransplante desenvolvido pela UAB
  • Primeiro estudo revisado por pares/publicado para estabelecer a morte cerebral como um modelo humano pré-clínico viável

A destacar, o estudo foi projetado e conduzido para atender os padrões diretamente comparáveis aos que se aplicariam a um ensaio clínico de Fase I e espelhou — tanto quanto possível — cada etapa de um transplante convencional entre humanos. É importante ressaltar que este estudo incluiu a remoção dos rins nativos do receptor humano com morte cerebral antes de substituí-los por rins de porco geneticamente modificados.

UAB anuncia primeiro transplante clínico de rins de porco geneticamente modificados em humanos com morte cerebral

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, Jan. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A University of Alabama at Birmingham Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine anunciou hoje a primeira pesquisa revisada por pares que descreve o transplante clínico bem-sucedido de rins de porco geneticamente modificados em um humano com morte cerebral, substituindo os rins nativos do receptor. Esses resultados positivos demonstram como o xenotransplante pode resolver a crise mundial de escassez de órgãos.

No estudo publicado no American Journal of Transplantation, pesquisadores da UAB testaram o primeiro modelo pré-clínico humano para transplante de rins de suínos geneticamente modificados em humanos. O receptor do estudo recebeu dois rins de porco geneticamente modificados transplantados no seu abdômen após a remoção dos rins nativos. Os órgãos foram obtidos de um porco geneticamente modificado em uma instalação livre de patógenos.

“Juntamente com nossos parceiros, temos feito investimentos significativos em xenotransplante durante quase uma década na esperança de obter os tipos de resultados publicados hoje”, disse Selwyn Vickers, M.D., reitor da UAB Heersink School of Medicine e CEO da UAB Health System e da UAB/Ascension St. Vincent ‘s Alliance. “Os resultados de hoje representam uma conquista extraordinária para a humanidade e o avanço do xenotransplante na área clínica. Com este estudo, nossas equipes de pesquisa demonstraram que o modelo do falecido também tem potencial significativo para impulsionar o campo de xenotransplante.”

Pela primeira vez, os rins de suínos transplantados foram retirados de suínos geneticamente modificados com 10 edições de genes principais que podem tornar os rins adequados para transplante em seres humanos. Esse processo demonstra a viabilidade do procedimento a longo prazo e como esse transplante pode funcionar no mundo real. Os rins transplantados filtraram o sangue, produziram urina e, o mais importante, não foram rejeitados de imediato. Os rins permaneceram viáveis até o término do estudo, 77 horas após o transplante.

“Este momento de mudança na história da medicina representa uma mudança de paradigma e um marco importante no campo do xenotransplante, que é sem dúvida a melhor solução para a crise de escassez de órgãos”, disse Jayme Locke, M.D., diretor do Comprehensive Transplant Institute do UAB’s Department of Surgery e cirurgião-chefe do estudo. “Nós colmatamos lacunas de conhecimento crítico e obtivemos os dados de segurança e viabilidade necessários para dar início a um ensaio clínico em seres humanos vivos com insuficiência renal em estágio terminal.”

A edição de genes em porcos para reduzir a rejeição imunológica tornou possível o transplante de órgãos de porcos em humanos, com a possibilidade de oferecer ajuda a milhares de pessoas que enfrentam falência, doença ou lesão de órgãos. A vida útil natural de um porco é de 30 anos, sua criação é muito fácil e eles podem ter órgãos de tamanho semelhante aos dos humanos.

Os rins de suínos geneticamente modificados foram extensivamente testados em primatas não humanos. Além dos testes em primatas não humanos, a avaliação dos rins de suínos geneticamente modificados em uma pesquisa de modelo pré-clínico humano pode fornecer informações importantes sobre a segurança e a eficácia potencial dos rins em receptores de transplante humano, inclusive em ensaios clínicos.

“Este modelo pré-clínico humano é uma forma de avaliar a segurança e a viabilidade do modelo de porco para primatas não humanos, sem risco para um ser humano vivo”, acrescentou Locke. “Nosso estudo demonstra que as principais barreiras ao xenotransplante humano foram superadas, identifica onde novos conhecimentos são necessários para otimizar os resultados do xenotransplante em humanos, e estabelece as bases para o estabelecimento de um novo modelo humano pré-clínico para estudos adicionais.”

Esse trabalho é apoiado pela pioneira em biotecnologia, a United Therapeutics Corporation, que concedeu uma verba à UAB para o lançamento do inovador programa de xenotransplante. A Revivicor, Inc., uma subsidiária da United Therapeutics, forneceu o porco geneticamente modificado que foi a fonte dos rins de xenotransplante investigacional chamado UKidney™.

“Todos nós da Revivicor estamos admirados com as conquistas históricas da UAB com o nosso rim para xenotransplante investigacional de 10 genes, ou UKidney”, disse David Ayares, Ph.D., Diretor Científico da Revivicor e um engenheiro genético pioneiro desde seu primeiro trabalho de clonagem do mundo de porcos e dos primeiros porcos geneticamente modificados alfa-Gal. “Estamos confiantes de que este UKidney pode vir a ser uma solução para salvar as vidas para milhares de pessoas em diálise, depois da conclusão bem-sucedida dos nossos ensaios clínicos e à obtenção da aprovação da FDA nos próximos anos.”

Sobre o estudo
A pesquisa revisada por pares é um estudo de escopo ambicioso e grande significado, dado que mais de 800.000 americanos estão vivendo com insuficiência renal. A maioria nunca chega à lista de espera, e muito poucos órgãos humanos estão disponíveis para reduzir esse número. Embora a diálise possa sustentar a vida por algum tempo, o transplante oferece uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma vida mais longa para os poucos indivíduos que podem ter acesso ao transplante. Cada estágio deste estudo de xenotransplante de falecido aproximou as etapas que podem ser seguidas em um ensaio clínico de xenotransplante de Fase I:

  • Os rins foram removidos de um porco doador alojado em uma instalação livre de patógenos e cirurgicamente limpa. Os rins foram então armazenados, transportados e processados para implantação, da mesma forma como os rins humanos são tratados.
  • Antes da cirurgia, o receptor com morte cerebral e o animal doador foram submetidos a um teste de compatibilidade cruzada para determinar se o rim do porco geneticamente modificado e seu receptor tinham compatibilidade de tecidos. Uma comparação cruzada é feita para cada transplante de rim humano para humano; no entanto, este teste de correspondência de tecido de porco para humano foi desenvolvido na UAB, onde pela primeira vez uma comparação cruzada prospectiva foi validada entre as duas espécies.
  • Os rins de suínos foram colocados nos locais anatômicos exatos usados para os rins de doadores humanos, com os mesmos anexos à artéria renal, veia renal e ureter que transporta a urina do rim para a bexiga.
  • O receptor com morte cerebral recebeu a terapia imunossupressora padrão usada no alotransplante renal humano.

O estudo foi conduzido para atender aos padrões diretamente comparáveis aos que se aplicariam a um ensaio clínico humano de Fase I, espelhando cada etapa de um transplante padrão entre humanos. O estudo incluiu a aprovação do Review Board and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, uma confirmação de compatibilidade de tecidos antes do início das operações, usando os procedimentos padrão de transplantes de humanos para humanos para remoção, preservação, transporte e transplante de rins em um humano, e com terapia de imunossupressão padrão no receptor.

Receptor de transplante Jim Parsons ajuda a abrir portas para o futuro do transplante de órgãos
Este avanço científico e médico não teria sido possível sem Jim Parsons, o receptor, ou sua família.

Parsons, de 57 anos, era um doador de órgãos registrado no Legacy of Hope, organização de coleta de órgãos do Alabama, que esperava que seus órgãos ajudassem outras pessoas após sua morte; mas seus órgãos não eram adequados para doação. Sua família permitiu que a UAB mantivesse Parsons em um ventilador para manter seu corpo funcionando durante o estudo. Seus rins nativos foram removidos e dois rins de porco geneticamente modificados foram transplantados.

“O Sr. Parsons e sua família nos permitiram replicar precisamente como faríamos esse transplante em um ser humano vivo. Sua enorme contribuição salvará milhares de vidas, e isso pode começar em um futuro muito próximo”, disse Locke. “A doação do Sr. Parsons honra seu legado e estabelece firmemente a viabilidade, a segurança e a viabilidade deste modelo pré-clínico. Por causa da sua doação, propusemos que isso fosse conhecido como ‘O Modelo de Parsons’”.

A ex-mulher de Parsons, Julie O’Hara, e seus filhos, Ally, David e Cole, tomaram a decisão (juntamente com as irmãs e a mãe de Jim) de participar do estudo depois que foram abordados por Alan Spriggs do Legacy of Hope e Locke.

“Jim era um tipo de cara que falava com todo o mundo e não tinha inimigos — nenhum”, disse O’Hara. “Jim teria querido salvar o maior número de pessoas que pudesse com sua morte, e se ele soubesse que poderia potencialmente salvar milhares e milhares de pessoas fazendo isso, ele não teria hesitado. Nosso sonho é que nenhuma outra pessoa morra esperando por um rim, e sabemos que Jim está muito orgulhoso de que sua morte possa potencialmente trazer tanta esperança para outras pessoas.”

A necessidade crítica de outras opções de doação de órgãos
A doença renal mata mais pessoas a cada ano do que o câncer de mama ou próstata, de acordo com o National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Embora o transplante seja o tratamento padrão de ouro para a doença renal terminal, menos de 25.000 transplantes renais são realizados a cada ano nos Estados Unidos, com 240 americanos em diálise morrendo todos os dias. Muitas dessas mortes poderiam ser evitadas se houvesse um fornecimento ilimitado de rins para transplante.

A espera por um rim de doador falecido pode chegar a cinco anos e, em muitos estados, quase 10 anos. Quase 5.000 pessoas morrem por ano esperando por um transplante de rim.

Sobre o transplante e a equipe de xenotransplante da UAB
A UAB Medicine é líder mundial em transplante de órgãos com 9.055 transplantes de rim realizados entre 1º de janeiro de 1988 e 31 de dezembro de 2021 — o segundo maior número de transplantes de rim realizados nos Estados Unidos durante esse período. O foco do programa de xenotransplante da UAB é abordar a escassez de órgãos com o transplante seguro de rins de suínos geneticamente modificados em humanos com insuficiência renal. Saiba mais.

Sobre a UAB
Conhecida por sua abordagem inovadora e interdisciplinar da educação nos níveis de pós-graduação e graduação, a University of Alabama at Birmingham, parte da University of Alabama System, é uma universidade de pesquisa e centro médico acadêmico de renome internacional. A UAB concede consistentemente mais de US$ 600 milhões em prêmios anuais para pesquisas, alcançando um total de quase US$ 850 milhões no ano passado, incluindo financiamento único relacionado à COVID. A UAB é o maior empregador individual do Alabama, com mais de 26.000 funcionários, e foi nomeada a Melhor Grande Empregadora da América pela Forbes em 2021. O impacto econômico anual da instituição no estado ultrapassa US$ 7 bilhões a cada ano. Os pilares da missão da UAB incluem educação, pesquisa, inovação e desenvolvimento econômico, engajamento da comunidade e atendimento ao paciente. Saiba mais em

NOTA DO EDITOR: A University of Alabama at Birmingham é uma das três universidades de pesquisa de doutorado da University of Alabama System. Na sua primeira referência à nossa instituição, use University of Alabama System e UAB em referências subsequentes.


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Tyler Greer, 205-934-2041
Nicolas Kressmann, 732-532-5318

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L’UAB annonce la première greffe clinique de reins de porc génétiquement modifiés chez un être humain en état de mort cérébrale

Les chercheurs de l’UAB ont réalisé plusieurs premières mondiales dans le domaine de la greffe de reins de porc chez un humain :

  • Première étude examinée par des pairs/publiée sur un rein de porc génétiquement modifié transplanté dans le corps d’un bénéficiaire humain en état de mort cérébrale
  • Première étude de ce genre portant sur une greffe de rein de porc chez un humain utilisant des reins génétiquement modifiés comportant 10 modifications de gènes clés qui peuvent rendre les reins adaptés à une utilisation thérapeutique directe de qualité clinique chez l’homme
  • Première validation d’un test développé par l’UAB pour évaluer la compatibilité avant la xénogreffe
  • Première étude examinée par des pairs/publiée pour établir la mort cérébrale en tant que modèle humain préclinique viable

L’étude a notamment été conçue et menée pour répondre à des normes directement comparables à celles qui s’appliqueraient à un essai clinique de phase I et pour refléter autant que possible chaque étape d’une greffe conventionnelle entre humains. Plus important encore, cette étude incluait le retrait des reins naturels du bénéficiaire en état de mort cérébrale avant leur remplacement par des reins de porc génétiquement modifiés.

L’UAB annonce la première greffe clinique de reins de porc génétiquement modifiés chez un être humain en état de mort cérébrale

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, 21 janv. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine de l’université d’Alabama à Birmingham  annonce aujourd’hui la première recherche examinée par des pairs décrivant la greffe réussie de reins de porc génétiquement modifiés de qualité clinique chez un sujet humain en état de mort cérébrale, remplaçant les reins naturels du bénéficiaire. Ces résultats positifs montrent comment la xénogreffe pourrait régler la pénurie d’organes à laquelle le monde est actuellement confronté.

Dans l’étude publiée dans l’American Journal of Transplantation, les chercheurs de l’UAB ont testé le premier modèle préclinique humain pour greffer des reins de porc génétiquement modifiés chez l’homme. Deux reins de porc génétiquement modifiés ont été greffés dans l’abdomen du sujet de l’étude après le retrait de ses reins naturels. Les organes provenaient d’un porc génétiquement modifié dans une installation exempte d’agents pathogènes.

« Avec nos partenaires, nous réalisons des investissements significatifs dans la xénogreffe depuis près de dix ans dans l’espoir de voir des résultats comme ceux qui ont été publiés aujourd’hui », a déclaré Selwyn Vickers, M.D., doyen de l’UAB Heersink School of Medicine et PDG de l’UAB Health System et de l’alliance UAB/Ascension St. Vincent’s. « Les résultats publiés aujourd’hui sont une réalisation remarquable pour l’humanité et font progresser la xénogreffe dans le domaine clinique. Grâce à cette étude, nos équipes de recherche ont également démontré que le modèle décédé a un potentiel significatif pour faire progresser le domaine de la xénogreffe. »

Pour la première fois, les reins de porc greffés ont été prélevés sur des porcs qui avaient reçu 10 modifications génétiques clés susceptibles de rendre leurs reins adaptés à la greffe chez les humains. Ce processus démontre la viabilité à long terme de la procédure et la manière dont une telle greffe pourrait fonctionner dans le monde réel. Les reins greffés ont filtré le sang, produit de l’urine et, surtout, n’ont pas été immédiatement rejetés. Les reins sont restés viables jusqu’à la fin de l’étude, soit 77 heures après la greffe.

« Ce moment révolutionnaire dans l’histoire de la médecine représente un changement de paradigme et une étape majeure dans le domaine de la xénogreffe, qui est sans doute la meilleure solution à la crise de pénurie d’organes », a déclaré Jayme Locke, M.D., directeur du Comprehensive Transplant Institute  dans le Service de chirurgie de l’UAB et chirurgien principal de l’étude. « Nous avons comblé des lacunes de connaissances critiques et obtenu les données d’innocuité et de faisabilité nécessaires pour commencer un essai clinique chez des êtres humains vivants atteints d’insuffisance rénale au stade final. »

L’édition génétique sur les porcs visant à réduire le rejet immunitaire a rendu possible la greffe d’organes de porcs aux humains, ce qui pourrait aider des milliers de personnes confrontées à une insuffisance, une maladie ou des blessures affectant leurs organes. La durée de vie naturelle des porcs est de 30 ans, ils sont faciles à élever et peuvent avoir des organes d’une taille similaire à celle des hommes.

Les reins de porc génétiquement modifiés ont été largement testés chez des primates non humains. En plus des tests chez des primates non humains, l’évaluation des reins de porc génétiquement modifiés dans une recherche sur un modèle préclinique humain peut fournir des informations importantes sur l’innocuité et l’efficacité potentielles des greffes de reins chez des sujets humains, y compris dans les essais cliniques.

« Ce modèle préclinique humain est un moyen d’évaluer l’innocuité et la faisabilité du modèle de greffe de porc à primate non humain, sans risque pour un humain vivant », a ajouté M. Locke. « Notre étude démontre que des barrières majeures à la xénogreffe humaine ont été surmontées, identifie où de nouvelles connaissances sont nécessaires pour optimiser les résultats de la xénogreffe chez l’homme, et pose les bases de la création d’un nouveau modèle humain préclinique pour une étude plus approfondie. »

Cet effort est soutenu par l’entreprise pionnière dans la biotechnologie United Therapeutics Corporation, qui a accordé une subvention à l’UAB pour initier le programme innovant de xénogreffe. Revivicor, Inc., une filiale d’United Therapeutics, a fourni le porc génétiquement modifié sur lequel ont été prélevés les reins pour la xénogreffe expérimentale appelés UKidney™.

« Chez Revivicor, nous sommes tous impressionnés par les réalisations historiques d’UAB avec notre xénorein expérimental à 10 gènes, ou UKidney », a déclaré David Ayares, Ph.D., directeur scientifique de Revivicor et ingénieur génétique pionnier depuis son premier travail de clonage des premiers porcs et des premiers cochons alpha-Gal. « Nous sommes convaincus que cet UKidney pourrait se révéler être une solution vitale pour des milliers de personnes sous dialyse, sous réserve de l’achèvement réussi de nos essais cliniques et de l’obtention de l’approbation de la FDA au cours des prochaines années. »

À propos de l’étude
La recherche évaluée par des pairs est une étude d’une portée ambitieuse et d’une grande importance, étant donné que plus de 800 000 Américains vivent avec une insuffisance rénale. La plupart n’atteignent jamais la liste d’attente, et bien trop peu d’organes humains sont disponibles pour réduire ce nombre. Bien que la dialyse permette de rester en vie pendant un certain temps, la greffe offre une vie d’une meilleure qualité et plus longue pour les quelques individus qui peuvent en bénéficier. Chaque étape de cette étude sur les xénogreffes sur une personne en état de mort cérébrale documentait les mesures qui pourraient être prises dans le cadre d’un essai clinique de phase I sur les xénogreffes :

  • Les reins ont été retirés d’un porc donneur élevé dans dans un site exempt de pathogènes et chirurgicalement propre. Les reins ont ensuite été entreposés, transportés et traités pour implantation, tout comme les reins humains.
  • Avant l’opération, le bénéficiaire en état de mort cérébrale et l’animal donneur ont subi un test de compatibilité croisée pour déterminer si le rein du porc génétiquement modifié et son bénéficiaire prévu avaient une bonne correspondance tissulaire. Une compatibilité croisée est effectué pour chaque greffe de rein entre humains, toutefois, ce test de correspondance des tissus du porc vers l’homme a été développé à l’UAB et a marqué la première fois qu’une compatibilité croisée a été validée entre les deux espèces.
  • Les reins de porc ont été placés dans les emplacements anatomiques exacts utilisés pour les reins des donneurs humains, avec les mêmes attaches à l’artère rénale, à la veine rénale et à l’uretère qui transporte l’urine du rein à la vessie.
  • Le bénéficiaire en état de mort cérébrale a reçu la thérapie immunosuppressive standard utilisée dans les allogreffes de reins d’humain à humain.

L’étude a été menée pour répondre à des normes directement comparables à celles qui s’appliqueraient à un essai clinique de phase I, reflétant autant que possible chaque étape d’une greffe standard entre humains. Elle a inclus l’approbation de l’Institutional Review Board et de l’Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, une confirmation de compatibilité des tissus avant le début des opérations, utilisant les procédures standard des greffes d’humain à humain pour prélever, préserver, transporter et transplanter les reins chez un humain, et administrant au bénéficiaire la thérapie immunosuppressive standard.

Le bénéficiaire de la greffe, Jim Parsons, aide à ouvrir la voie vers l’avenir de la greffe d’organes
Cette avancée scientifique et médicale n’aurait pas été possible sans Jim Parsons, le bénéficiaire, ainsi que sa famille.

Parsons, 57 ans, était un donateur d’organes enregistré par Legacy of Hope, l’organisation de prélèvement d’organes d’Alabama. Il avait exprimé le souhait de voir ses organes aider d’autres personnes après sa mort mais ses organes n’étaient pas adaptés à un don. Sa famille a autorisé l’UAB à maintenir Parsons en vie grâce à un respirateur afin que son corps continue de fonctionner pendant l’étude. Ses reins naturels ont été retirés et deux reins de porc génétiquement modifiés ont été greffés.

« M. Parsons et sa famille nous ont permis de reproduire précisément la procédure qui aurait été utilisée pour réaliser cette greffe chez un être humain vivant. Leur incroyable contribution permettra de sauver des milliers de vies, et cela pourrait commencer dans un avenir très proche », a déclaré M. Locke. « Le don de M. Parsons honore son héritage et établit fermement la viabilité, l’innocuité et la faisabilité de ce modèle préclinique. Pour honorer son don, nous avons proposé que cela soit connu sous le nom de “modèle des Parsons”.

L’ex-femme de M. Parsons, Julie O’Hara, et leurs enfants, Ally, David et Cole, ont pris la décision (avec les sœurs et la mère de Jim) de participer à l’étude après avoir été contactés par Alan Spriggs avec Legacy of Hope et M. Locke.

« Jim était un homme avenant qui parlait à tout le monde et n’avait aucun ennemi, vraiment aucun », a déclaré Mme O’Hara. « Jim aurait voulu que sa mort permette de sauver autant de personnes que possible, et s’il avait su qu’il pourrait sauver des milliers et des milliers de personnes en faisant cela, il n’aurait pas hésité. Notre rêve est qu’aucune autre personne ne décède en attendant un rein, et nous savons que Jim est très fier que sa mort puisse apporter tant d’espoir aux autres. »

Le besoin critique de nouvelles options de don d’organes
Les maladies rénales tuent chaque année plus de gens que les cancers du sein ou de la prostate, selon le National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Bien que la greffe soit le traitement standard privilégié pour les maladies rénales au stade final, moins de 25 000 greffes de reins sont effectuées chaque année aux États-Unis et 240 Américains sous dialyse décèdent chaque jour. Bon nombre de ces décès pourraient être évités si un approvisionnement illimité en reins était disponible pour les greffes.

L’attente d’un rein d’un donneur décédé peut durer jusqu’à cinq ans, et dans de nombreux États, elle est proche de 10 ans. Près de 5 000 personnes par an meurent en attente d’une greffe rénale.

À propos de l’équipe de greffe et de xénogreffe de l’UAB
UAB Medicine est un leader mondial de la greffe d’organes et a réalisé 9 055 greffes de reins entre le 1er janvier 1988 et le 31 décembre 2021, le deuxième plus grand nombre de greffes de reins aux États-Unis au cours de cette période. Le programme de xénogreffes de l’UAB vise à remédier à la pénurie d’organes en transplantant en toute sécurité des reins de porc génétiquement modifiés chez des êtres humains souffrant d’insuffisance rénale. En savoir plus.

À propos de l’UAB
Connue pour son approche innovante et interdisciplinaire de l’enseignement aux niveaux du premier et du deuxième cycle, l’université d’Alabama à Birmingham, qui fait partie du système de l’université d’Alabama, est une université de recherche et un centre médical universitaire de renommée internationale. L’UAB dépasse constamment les 600 millions de dollars en prix de recherche annuels et a totalisé près de 850 millions de dollars l’année dernière, comprenant un financement ponctuel lié à la COVID.L’UAB est le plus grand employeur unique d’Alabama, comptant plus de 26 000 employés, et elle a été nommée Meilleur gros employeur d’Amérique par Forbes en 2021. L’impact économique annuel de l’institution sur l’État dépasse 7 milliards de dollars chaque année.Les piliers de la mission de l’UAB incluent l’éducation, la recherche, l’innovation et le développement économique, l’engagement communautaire et les soins aux patients. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

NOTE AUX RÉDACTEURS :  l’université d’Alabama à Birmingham est l’une des trois universités de recherche doctorale du système de l’université d’Alabama. Dans votre première référence à notre institution, veuillez utiliser Université d’Alabama à Birmingham et UAB par la suite.


Contacts auprès des médias :
Tyler Greer, 205-934-2041
Nicolas Kressmann, 732-532-5318

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Expereo Launches SD-WAN Gateways

Expanding its managed services portfolio

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expereo, the leading global provider of managed Internet, SD-WAN, SASE, and Cloud Access solutions, announces the launch of SD-WAN Gateways. This new service boosts the SD-WAN performance for enterprises with a global footprint to support their multi-cloud strategies and increase application performance.

SD-WAN Gateways allow enterprises’ global network to enhance the SD-WAN experience between data centers and hub sites both intra-regionally and globally, without sacrificing in-country performance. Enterprises can combine their existing SD-WAN solution with Expereo SD-WAN Gateways, to optimize the end-user application experience and reduce operational costs.

The new service leverages Expereo’s managed SD-WAN service offerings complemented with proprietary smart BGP routing optimization technology, optimizing SaaS reach and access to public and private cloud, overcoming internet limitations.

“Businesses are entering a multi-cloud era in which the internet cannot always provide consistent quality for enabling their applications to perform seamlessly. One of the main SD-WAN Gateways benefits is that it combines a scalable network infrastructure with an enhanced WAN performance boosting your application performance. This results in a better user experience and higher productivity,” comments Sander Barens, CPO of Expereo.

As Thomas Jongerius, SD-WAN/SASE Technical Lead at Expereo explains “Many enterprises face poor application experience due to unpredictable Internet performance resulting in high IT and support cost for businesses that operate globally. Our new SD-WAN Gateway service is all about getting the best application performance across the entirety of your network.”

With SD-WAN Gateways, Expereo expands its managed services offering, taking a new step towards simplifying global cloud connectivity.

About Expereo

Expereo is the leading provider of managed network solutions, including Global internet connectivity, SD-WAN, SASE, and Cloud Access Optimization services. Expereo is the trusted partner of 30% of Fortune 500 companies and powers enterprise and government sites worldwide, helping to enhance every business’ productivity with flexible and optimal Internet performance. In Feb 2021, Vitruvian Partners international growth capital and buyout firm acquired a majority stakeholding in Expereo, alongside the leading European private equity firm Apax Partners SAS and the company’s management.

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Emese Csikai
+44 7518 293463

CDC Says Studies Show Boosters Offer Increased Protection Against Omicron

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it has evidence COVID-19 vaccines work against the omicron variant.

Citing three studies, the CDC said the vaccines appear to work particularly well for those who received booster shots. The U.S. studies are the first to examine the effectiveness of the vaccines on the omicron variant.

One study said it found that vaccines were effective in lowering hospitalizations and urgent care center visits after three doses of Pfizer or Moderna.

The study said three shots were 90% effective in preventing hospitalizations during both the delta and omicron surges.

It said protection against urgent care center visits fell from 94% during the delta wave to 82% during the omicron wave.

Another study focused on deaths and found those who had received boosters had the highest protection against infection from both delta and omicron.

The third study looked at those who had been vaccinated and then tested positive with COVID-19. It said three shots of Pfizer or Moderna were 67% effective against symptomatic cases of omicron compared with unvaccinated people.

Two of the studies found the protection offered by the vaccines wanes to varying degrees as time goes on.

“If you are eligible for a booster and you haven’t gotten it, you are not up to date and you need to get your booster,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House briefing Friday.

Also during the briefing, Walensky said the average number of omicron cases was down nationally by about 5%, mostly in areas where it began to surge. She said there were about 744,600 cases per day on average in the past seven days.

She warned that some parts of the country could still see an increase in infections.

“In some parts of the country we are seeing the number of daily cases caused by the omicron variant beginning to decline,” she said. “The surge in cases started at different times in different regions and [we] may continue to see high case counts in some areas of the country in the days and weeks ahead.”

Source: Voice of America

Latin America, Asia Latest to Be Hit With Omicron Surge

In Costa Rica, officials are encouraging those infected with the coronavirus to skip voting in upcoming national elections. On the other side of the world, Beijing is locking down residential communities as the country anxiously awaits the start of the Winter Olympics on Feb. 4.

In Latin America and Asia, where the omicron variant is making its latest appearance, some countries are imposing such restrictions while others are loath to place new limits on populations already exhausted by previous constraints.

Omicron quickly swept through the places it first hit, such as South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States, pushing daily cases far higher than at any time during the pandemic.

The Americas reported nearly 7.2 million new COVID infections and more than 15,000 COVID-related deaths over the past week, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said Wednesday. Coronavirus infections across the Americas almost doubled between Jan. 1 and Jan. 8, from 3.4 million cases to 6.1 million, PAHO said.

Infections are accelerating in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, and hospitalizations are rising in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, said PAHO Director Carissa Etienne. The Caribbean islands are experiencing their steepest increase in COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, Etienne noted.

“Although omicron infections appear to be milder, we continue to urge caution because the virus is spreading more actively than ever before,” Etienne said.

Infections are also increasing in Asia, including in the Philippines, which has seen its worst coronavirus outbreak in recent weeks.

Countries in both regions are searching for a mix of restrictions that their exhausted populations will accept and that won’t inflict undue damage on their economies.

“We’re already going on three years of the pandemic and the population is tired,” said Brazil’s president of the Council of State Health Secretariats, Carlos Lula. “There is no space for many restrictions. We’re going to have to face a third wave with precautions like masking, distancing and vaccination.”

Argentina and Mexico also have largely ruled out imposing any national restrictions, instead banking on their vaccination campaigns and the apparently less severe symptoms of the omicron variant.

Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, having just emerged from a week of isolation after his second coronavirus infection in the past year, downplayed the threat. “It is demonstrable that this variant does not have the same seriousness as the earlier, the delta,” López Obrador said this week.

Antonio Pérez, 67, runs a small stand in a Mexico City market selling notebooks, pens and other school supplies. He was forced to shutter his shop for three months early in the pandemic, rocking him financially. But he agreed with the government’s decision then — a time when little was known about the virus’s spread and no one was vaccinated — and with the hands-off approach now, when most of the population is vaccinated and there is less pressure on hospitals.

Immunization, masks and social distancing are the way to go now, he said, speaking through his own N95 mask. “I don’t think you can do anything else.”

Some states in Brazil have reimposed restrictions but stopped short of closing down businesses as they did last year. Peru, however, has revived a nationwide curfew, and Ecuador has banned public and private events or large gatherings of any kind.

In Costa Rica, public health concerns are colliding with constitutional guarantees for the Feb. 6 presidential and congressional elections. Authorities concede they can’t stop people from voting, but Eugenia Zamora, president of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, recently told news outlets that those who test positive for coronavirus should “abstain” from going out to vote.

Demographer Luis Rosero said that according to his projections, the new wave of infections could peak right around election day. Under current health protocols, those who test positive in Costa Rica are obligated to isolate.

Costa Rica’s daily confirmed infection totals have increased from fewer than 100 in December to more than 5,000 this month. So far, however, the government has imposed few restrictions, such as requiring soccer clubs to play without fans.

Two other Central American countries, Panama and Honduras, have not imposed any restrictions despite seeing their cases more than double during the past week.

Puerto Rico, among the hardest-hit places in the Caribbean amid the region’s current surge, tightened restrictions again this month after the U.S. territory saw its COVID-19 test positivity rate jump from 5% late last year to more than 40% in recent weeks.

Governor Pedro Pierluisi has required that those working in the health, food, education, tourism and entertainment sectors get their booster shots, as well as public school students 12 and older. He also reinstated a ban on alcohol sales from midnight to 5 a.m. and prohibited most businesses from operating during those hours.

In Chile, infections grew 151% in one week, but the only restriction the government has imposed so far is to lower the capacity limit for public spaces. The country has a high vaccination rate, with more than 92% of those 18 and older and 78% of minors having received two doses. The government started offering a fourth dose this month.

Still, in some South American countries, omicron is having a dire effect.

A major hospital in Bolivia’s largest city stopped admitting new patients because of a lack of personnel, and one of Brazil’s most populous states canceled scheduled surgeries for a month. Argentina’s federation of private health care providers estimates about 15% of its workers currently have the virus.

In Asia, South Korea actually eased its restrictions on gatherings slightly this week. But officials have expressed concern about a surge in infections over the Lunar New Year holiday, which begins at the end of the month, when millions of people usually travel across the country to meet relatives.

In China, Beijing has moved classes online and locked down some office buildings. Japan, meanwhile, is maintaining strict border controls as infections surge but otherwise doing little more than shortening business hours for restaurants and bars.

Hong Kong authorities have banned indoor dining after 6 p.m. and ordered certain businesses, such as museums and gyms, to close until at least early February. The city is also culling small animals including hamsters and chinchillas and halting their import and sales after several hamsters in a pet shop tested positive for the coronavirus.

In the Philippines, officials this week started banning commuters who have not been fully vaccinated from riding public transportation in greater Manila, a region of more than 13 million people. The move sparked protests from human rights groups. Daily confirmed infections soared from a few hundred last month to more than 30,000 in recent days.

Roman Catholic Church leaders in the Philippines capital were forced to cancel the Jan. 9 procession of the Black Nazarene, a centuries-old black statue of Jesus, for a second year. Because the event is one of Asia’s biggest religious festivals, drawing millions of mostly barefoot pilgrims, officials feared it could become a superspreader event during the omicron surge.

Warning that the sometimes-weaker omicron variant can still kill, President Rodrigo Duterte implored people to get fully immunized.

“If you’re vaccinated, you have a fighting chance. If not, we’ll be burying, filling our cemeteries,” Duterte said in televised remarks.

Source: Voice of America

US Suspends 44 Flights by Chinese Carriers After Beijing Action

The U.S. government said Friday it would suspend 44 China-bound flights from the United States by four Chinese carriers in response to the Chinese government’s decision to suspend some U.S. carrier flights over COVID-19 concerns.

The suspensions will begin Jan. 30 with Xiamen Airlines’ scheduled Los Angeles-to-Xiamen flight and run through March 29, the Transportation Department said.

The decision will cut some flights by Xiamen, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines.

Since Dec. 31, Chinese authorities have suspended 20 United Airlines, 10 American Airlines and 14 Delta Air Lines flights, after some passengers tested positive for COVID-19.

As recently as Tuesday, the Transportation Department said the Chinese government had announced new U.S. flight cancellations.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said Friday the policy for international passenger flights entering China has “been applied equally to Chinese and foreign airlines in a fair, open and transparent way.”

He called the U.S. move “very unreasonable” and added, “We urge the U.S. side to stop disrupting and restricting the normal passenger flights” by Chinese airlines.

Airlines for America, a trade group representing the three U.S. carriers affected by China’s move, along with others, said it supported Washington’s action “to ensure the fair treatment of U.S. airlines in the Chinese market.”

The Transportation Department said France and Germany have taken similar action against China’s COVID-19 actions. It said China’s suspensions of the flights “are adverse to the public interest and warrant proportionate remedial action.” It added that China’s “unilateral actions against the named U.S. carriers are inconsistent” with a bilateral agreement.

China has also suspended numerous U.S. flights by Chinese carriers after passengers later tested positive.

The department said it was prepared to revisit its action if China revised its “policies to bring about the necessary improved situation for U.S. carriers.” It warned that if China cancels more flights, “we reserve the right to take additional action.”

China has all but shut its borders to travelers, cutting total international flights to just 200 a week, or 2% of pre-pandemic levels, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said in September.

The number of U.S. flights being scrapped has surged since December, as infections caused by the highly contagious omicron variant of the coronavirus soared to record highs in the United States.

Beijing and Washington have sparred over air services since the start of the pandemic. In August, the U.S. Transportation Department limited four flights from Chinese carriers to 40% passenger capacity for four weeks after Beijing imposed identical limits on four United Airlines flights.

Before the recent cancellations, three U.S. airlines and four Chinese carriers were operating about 20 flights a week between the countries, well below the figure of more than 100 per week before the pandemic.

Source: Voice of America

China Exports Its Traditional Medicine to Africa

Hing Pal Singh is among dozens of patients with daily appointments at the Oriental Chinese Herbal Clinic in Nairobi.

Singh, 85, has been suffering from spinal problems for five years and is now trying herbal remedies.

“There is a slight difference,” Singh said. ” … It’s only a week now. It will take at least another 12 to 15 sessions. Then we see how it goes.”

Traditional Chinese medicine is becoming more popular in Africa, according to a 2020 study by Development Reimagined, a Beijing international consulting firm.

A February 2020 op-ed written by a Beijing think tank researcher and published in the state-run China Daily said such traditional medicine would “boost the Chinese economy, contribute to global health and prove to be a shot in the arm for China’s soft power.”

Potential harm

Conventional medical doctors such as Sultan Mantendechere, though, say patients are overlooking the potential harm that some herbal remedies can cause, especially if used too frequently or at too high a dosage.

“They do work in quite a number of circumstances,” Mantendechere said. “Having said that, our main worry as practitioners, the medical practitioners, is that the use of herbal medicine is not as regulated as we would want it to

Although the safety and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine is still debated worldwide, herbal practitioners such as Li Chuan continue to gain popularity among those seeking alternative medication.

Li said some of his patients were benefiting from purported COVID-19 remedies, although there is scant scientific evidence that they can help against the disease.

“Many people buy our herbal tea to counter COVID-19,” Li said. “The results are good.”

Environmentalists fear the growth of traditional Chinese medicine will encourage poachers to go after endangered wildlife such as rhinos and some types of snakes used in making the potions.

Daniel Wanjuki, an environmentalist and the lead expert at Kenya’s National Environment Management Authority, said that “with people saying that the rhino horn may actually be used as an aphrodisiac, this has led to almost the complete eradication of the rhino species in Kenya and in Africa in general.”

Economical — if effective

Kenya spends an estimated $2.7 billion each year on health care, according to national statistics.

Kenyan economist Ken Gichinga said herbal medicine could significantly lower African medical expenses if proven effective.

“Africans spend quite a lot of money traveling to countries such as India and the UAE to get treatment” and would benefit if herbal medicine “can provide more natural, cost-effective health care,” he said.

In 2021, Kenya’s national drug regulator, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, approved the sale of Chinese herbal health products in the country. Practitioners such as Li hope that more nations will give approval to Chinese herbal medicine in the future.

Source: Voice of America