Madagascar Newswire

All from Madagascar

Day: June 1, 2023

Press Releases

Quona Capital’s 2022 Impact Report reveals portfolio companies’ progress; firm provides deeper insights into Africa portfolio companies

The founders of Quona Capital Management LLC Quona’s Africa portfolio companies recorded $4.5 billion in payment transactions processed / transaction volume in 2022 $278 million in loans financed across 1.1 million loans across Africa Portfolio has served 408K retail customers and 353K MSMEs CAPE TOWN, South Africa, June 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quona Capital, a […]

Press Releases

BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG: Queixa criminal apresentada em Berlim contra Elon Musk e o Twitter por possível fraude em detrimento dos utilizadores

BERLIN, May 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG informa hoje que foi apresentada uma queixa-crime contra Elon Musk no Ministério Público de Berlim, número de processo: 253 UJs 1012/23, alegando que Musk cobrou os cartões de crédito dos utilizadores do Twitter, mas suspendeu as contas verificadas do Twitter sem dar qualquer motivo. Fonte: […]

Press Releases

Berliner Tageszeitung : Plainte pénale à Berlin contre Elon Musk et Twitter pour une possible fraude au détriment des utilisateurs

BERLIN, 31 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG rapporte aujourd’hui qu’une plainte pénale a été déposée auprès du parquet de Berlin contre Elon Musk, numéro de dossier : 253 UJs 1012/23, affirmant que Musk a débité les cartes de crédit d’utilisateurs de Twitter, mais a bloqué les comptes Twitter vérifiés sans donner de […]

Press Releases

UPDATE – Berliner Tageszeitung: Criminal complaint in Berlin, Germany, against Elon Musk and Twitter for possible fraud to the detriment of users

Berliner Tageszeitung: Criminal complaint in Berlin, Germany, against Elon Musk and Twitter for possible fraud to the detriment of users BERLIN, May 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG reports today that a criminal complaint has been filed against Elon Musk with the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, file number: 253 UJs 1012/23, alleging that Musk charged […]

General Medical

Government’s partnership with Zipline promotes quality healthcare delivery- Minister?

Mr Mahama Asei Seini, the Deputy Minister of Health, says government’s partnership with Zipline has made Ghana a global leader in the use of drones for medical logistics.He said the cooperation had created a seamless network of drone delivery services…


Increase ambition to safeguard our oceans – President urges African nations

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has pressed African nations to increase nationally determined contributions and adaptation plans to safeguard the ocean’s capacity to regenerate.This would ensure that the ocean continues to deliver substantial eco…

Science & Technology

Let’s change our mind on TVET- Deputy Education Minister

Madam Gifty Twum Ampofo, the Deputy Minister for Education in charge of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET), has reiterated the need for the populace to appreciate the role of TVET in national development.She said the perception that T…


African Plant Breeders must leverage technology to address food insecurity

Professor Eric Y. Danquah, Founding Director of the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), has called on African plant breeders to embrace new breeding technologies to ensure a sustainable food secure future.They should develop climate-smart…